
I think I invented a new technique with the Floyd Rose!!! :D

The Norwegian Guy

Hero Member
I discovered this cool trick a couple of minutes ago! Has anyone ever tried it before?
Let me know!

I think it's AWESOME  :laughing7:  :laughing7:


i cat believe these videos are still floating around.

confederate wookie. that guy was funny. if only he would just shut up and proof read his posts! i like how the first suggested video up there was snooter, nice guy but a little weird. if it werent for that video of him taking a sledge hammer to the frozen pond while standing on the ice i wouldnt say anything but some guys bring it upon them selves.
+100,000 for the hardtail :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright:
Once you go hardtail, you will never go back...
:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

This is hilarious, your expression says it all!
The Norwegian Guy said:
I discovered this cool trick a couple of minutes ago! Has anyone ever tried it before?
Let me know!

I think it's AWESOME  :laughing7:  :laughing7:


YOU BROKE IT!!!  oooooh  aaaaaah. :o  :party07:  :laughing7:
Max said:

Would rate about the third worst thing to be doing when your Mum busts in!  :-\
Max, that was very rude.

As they say, you can't lead a dead wookie to water - but another one opens. :help:
OzziePete said:
The Norwegian Guy said:
I discovered this cool trick a couple of minutes ago! Has anyone ever tried it before?
Let me know!

I think it's AWESOME  :laughing7:  :laughing7:


YOU BROKE IT!!!   oooooh   aaaaaah. :o  :party07:  :laughing7:

P.S. Andreas, you should try a Bigsby.....Neil Young can break most of his strings off Old Black by the end of one song if he wants to, using a Bigsby. :sad: