I need some song suggestions

The Norwegian Guy

Hero Member
I'm struggeling to find inspiration to practise my playing. I'm sure many of you know what I'm talking about.
Does anyone have any suggestions for me?
Not too hard or too fast, because I'm clarely not good enough to play any intermediate songs yet, but I'm working my way there.

I'm interested in blues, fusion, rock and metal.

Anyone? :)
I queue up a song I like, find a decent tab for it, and try to emulate it.  Some are more fun that others.
Van Halen tunes are usually fun to play along with as most aren't that difficult (if you don't count the solos )
Sometimes doing what seem to be simple exercises can do more for you than playing some arrangement. Challenge your dexterity and timing. Pick a scale you use a lot, and do an overlapping progression, like 1-2-3, 2-3-4, 3-4-5, 4-5-6, 5-6-7, 6-7-1, 7-1-2, and repeat until you run out of room at a postition, then go backwards. Use a metronome. Or, do it by 4s. Or, skip every second note. It's not very musical in and of itself, but it buys you finger control that's tough to get otherwise.
Go to the Beatles . . . I've always listened to them and assumed that I'd be able to play their "simple" riffs and arrangements, but nothing could be further from the truth. Don't expect to play lightning fast or nothing, but as far as unique, reasonably challenging guitar, the Beatles are great. (and it's fun rock and roll). I've been working on the "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" riff (which may be on a keyboard but who cares . . . notes is notes)
get the book Guitar Aerobics by troy nelson
they get a cd of one of those bands you loved as a Teen and after doing your daily study, try by ear to figure out a song, the entire song, intro verse chorus bridge, then solo and ending.
interest is basically blocked when you hit a wall, back up to the songs that you heard and wanted to play, and learn them, it is why you started. re inspire yourself
I have fall back material
I also am always looking for something new, believe me nothing gets you in a rut than the same ole stuff

I look for finger exercises books that are interesting or to make up my own
I find that finger exercises built off arpeggios do me the most good, Running them till they are sickening, but about a week or so later somehoe it pops into my head when I am comping and I find a use for this or that part of it, really cool, I also only really practice 4 scales  but I always try to start them on different strings.

I also have old cds of music from when I first started, when I get kinda bored I go back and pick a song and tear it to pieces, well we learn every thing about the song, What you are doing is training the ear for new music and making it easier, by using stuff you have heard 10 gadzillion times.
I also collect like celtic, or african or caribean stuff and when I am bored can put some of that on and noodle

It all just keeps me involved, to many of the guys I grew up with quit after getting married, and now play an accoustic around the campfire with about 15 songs they know, I do not want to regress to that, this is my talent, I want to expand it. I may never get famous, but I can always say I never stopped doing what I love. And My 2 kids both play an instrument since they were in grade school. I am proud of that.

this guy made me want an acoustic.