I need a new body

Neo Fender

Senior Member
I won’t elaborate on how/why this happened, other than I didn’t do it.


Ignore my foot...

It was a 1998 Strat Plus that I bought new in ’99.  Its condition was 99.8/100.  Other than a half-faded fret marker, it was flawless.  This thing stayed in Madison Square Basement and had way under 50 hours of total playing time on it.

I priced a body on the Body Builder as “turn key” as I could get it:
• Solid Alder
• Top Rout (Universal like OEM)
• American Standard Trem (2 point)
• Strat Top Jack Rout
• Standard 4 bolt neck
• Olympic White

Total is $360, which is a little steep for me at the moment…

Some questions:
• Any concern with everything dropping in place? (I’m thinking of the bridge.  Fender has changed the bridge slightly but I think just the saddles and where the trem arm hole is located on the top plate.  Probably no change to where the trem posts are located)
• I don’t recall because I haven’t had the stomach to look at the guitar since I took these pictures but– is there a hole in the neck pocket to adjust the tilt with an Allen screw or am I confusing this with my Peavey T-60?  If so, I don’t see it as an option.  If so, I guess I’ll have get confident and drill my own.
• Should I splurge for a one-piece body?  Any advantages or sonic differences?  I’m sure the original body is 2-3 pieces, especially since it has a solid finish

Any other suggestions would be appreciated.  Thanks.
This is how I first got my Warmoth Addiction... in my case it were movers and I took the opportunity to upgrade to a fancy top..

anyway, I am sure that there is an interesting story behind your pics,... do share! and they got the peavey too???

Some questions:
• Any concern with everything dropping in place? (I’m thinking of the bridge.  Fender has changed the bridge slightly but I think just the saddles and where the trem arm hole is located on the top plate.  Probably no change to where the trem posts are located)
everything should fit !
• I don’t recall because I haven’t had the stomach to look at the guitar since I took these pictures but– is there a hole in the neck pocket to adjust the tilt with an Allen screw or am I confusing this with my Peavey T-60?  If so, I don’t see it as an option.  If so, I guess I’ll have get confident and drill my own.
there was one on mine (micro tilt), but I didn't bother getting it on the replacement.. you can always use shims, which was not necessary for me
• Should I splurge for a one-piece body?  Any advantages or sonic differences?  I’m sure the original body is 2-3 pieces, especially since it has a solid finish
it does not really make a difference, especially if you go for a solid finish.
+1 to what Marko said,  especially regarding the story - spill!  we want to hear it.  well I do anyway...

Also - I know it does not seem like it right now, but in 6 months from now when everything is all set and done, you'll have a better guitar than when you started.
Holy cow! That was a nice Strat. You'll love a new Warmoth body though.

...oh, and do tell what happened. Inquiring (and sadistic) minds want to know.  :evil4:
Neo Fender said:
• Should I splurge for a one-piece body?  Any advantages or sonic differences?  I’m sure the original body is 2-3 pieces, especially since it has a solid finish

Any other suggestions would be appreciated.  Thanks.

A one piece body offering any sonic advantage or disadvantage is purely open to interpretation.  Even with a transparent finish, a 2 piece body isn't bad looking, plus they do an excellent job of mating like pieces together.
Neo Fender said:
I priced a body on the Body Builder as “turn key” as I could get it:
• Solid Alder
• Top Rout (Universal like OEM)
• American Standard Trem (2 point)
• Strat Top Jack Rout
• Standard 4 bolt neck
• Olympic White

Total is $360, which is a little steep for me at the moment…

You can find what you want in the showcase for less http://www.warmoth.com/Pages/ClassicShowcase.aspx?Body=2&Shape=1&Type=1&Path=Body,Stratocaster,Standard&bFinish=354 They will do universal and tremolo routing for free. Be sure to order a pickguard along with the body (in case you don't have one) so you won't pay extra for pickguard shipping.
Hope the pickups are alright. look like they missed the full destruction area, or did they get damaged too?
mayfly said:
+1 to what Marko said,  especially regarding the story - spill!  we want to hear it.  well I do anyway...

Also - I know it does not seem like it right now, but in 6 months from now when everything is all set and done, you'll have a better guitar than when you started.

And changed the nickname to "Neo Warmoth" :laughing7:
mayfly said:
Also - I know it does not seem like it right now, but in 6 months from now when everything is all set and done, you'll have a better guitar than when you started.

exactly!!! for me it was my #1 for almost 20 years.. it broke my heart to see it, and it was not even remotely as bad as yours!!! I love it even more now (I also upgraded the bridge pu and trem at the same time)





mayfly said:
wow Marko - how the heck did that happen in the case?

it was in a huge box on a pallet that I had shipped when I moved from Ireland to the US..  by the looks of the outside box and case, it seems that a forklift went straight through it..
I fought back and forth with the shipping company over it until they completely disappeared...bastards!!
From your pics it looks like your electronics and neck should be salvageable. I see a broken off headstock in your second pics. Details?
The old body was obviously a 3 piece.  I know my 93 MIM strat body is 3 peice as I can see the seam on the backside if I hold it to the light.

Answering the questions posed:

• Should I splurge for a one-piece body?  Any advantages or sonic differences?  I’m sure the original body is 2-3 pieces, especially since it has a solid finish
1) There shouldn't be a problem if you order a body with the Fender Am Std trem route dropping in place.
2) I haven't seen any micro tilt (3 bolt) adjust holes in Warmoth bodies.  This isn't to say it's not a possible upcharge if you call/email
3) A one peice body advantage, obviously, is that it wouldn't split like yours.  Not knowing the circumstances of this trauma, it might've been worse had you *not* had a 3 piece body.
sonic differences are probably minimal, and any observed change from the stock body is most likely due to it just being a different hunk of wood, so you're bound to have *some* sort of change, however small.
a lot of the cost of the warmoth is the paint. have something painted professionally and you'll be glad to pay for a prefinnished warmoth. the poly is thin on warmoth. it is a really high quality job and worth it. much better than the fender job.

the bridge should fit. it looks like you have a 2 post and those are pretty universal.

the spring route on warmoth is routed deeper, this is intentional so you can use hardware from squires and other guitars that have thinner bodies, the post hole for the trem may come through into spring route, im telling you this now because people complain about it and are mad when warmoth tells them it's not a defect, even though seeing holes or screws from the back of the guitar has no effect on structure or function.

looks like that old body had a swimming pool route, a standard 3 pup route might make it a bit stronger incase someone tries to do what ever they did to it again.
+ 1 more to "tell that story!"

I saw the thread subject & the chorus this song immediately started playing in my head: