
Changing Rout on Finished Body


Senior Member
I’ve got a Warmoth top routed Strat body finished by Warmoth that is routed for SSS and I’d like to make it an HSS (or universal). Is it possible to modify it or is that a bad idea due to the poly finish? I know that Warmoth doesn’t do it. I’m trying to figure out if it’s worth doing or selling it and getting the rout I want from the get go.
I've used dremels with no problem to make the inside of Tele control routs bigger and a strat slot to accommodate a humbucker. I might be doing it on my current build if I need more room for wiring. As long as it's hidden who cares.

I'm pretty sure wamoth will do it even if you buy something already finished from the show case. At least they used to. What makes you think they dont?
Warmoth will do it on a finished body if you select the option when you buy from them.

If you already have the body and are comfortable with a router, then its very straight forward. I have modified no less than a dozen warmoth bodies with a a router with no issues.
I've used dremels with no problem to make the inside of Tele control routs bigger and a strat slot to accommodate a humbucker. I might be doing it on my current build if I need more room for wiring. As long as it's hidden who cares.

I'm pretty sure wamoth will do it even if you buy something already finished from the show case. At least they used to. What makes you think they dont?

They will (IIRC) if I’m purchasing a new body and request it, but I don’t believe they will make modifications to a body that’s already been out in the wild. I’ve had this body for about 5 or 6 years. :)
That's pretty funny, that would be like eating a steak at a restaurant and then asking them to recook it. LOL.

Hopefully they wouldn't spit on it and then paint over it. That's probably what the restaurant would do, except for the painting over it part.
Warmoth does do it on guitars still at the shop, it's called "over-routing".

It definitely possible to do. Many will do it with a HSS pickguard and an HB routing template (you can buy on on Amazon, 3D print one, or just make one). Use the pickguard to get the location just right and template for clean routing. But, as long as you don't rout out too much wood near the bridge, the existence of a pickguard allows a lot of wiggle room to just route out a rectangle.
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