
I need a harmonica...


Hero Member
I had a harmonica many, many years ago.  Just a cheapo Hohner Blues Band.  I never got real serious about it, but it was fun to screw around with.
I have been thinking for awhile about picking up a decent harmonica and getting more serious.  Then I see that Elderly Instruments has all harmonicas on sale for 20% off.


I am looking for something much better than my previous Blues Band.  Something that  is worth growing into...
However, I don't want to drop a paycheck on one either.

Anybody have any experience and/or suggestions???

My uncle is a fairly good harp player so I called him.  He said to get a Hohner Blues Harp.  They have replaceable reeds, is fairly cheap brand new ($30), and is decent quality for the money.

He also said that if you're only getting one, then get the key of C.  It's middle C and gives you the most flexibility.

Edit: http://elderly.com/new_instruments/items/HO532-C.htm
Blue313 said:
My uncle is a fairly good harp player so I called him.  He said to get a Hohner Blues Harp.  They have replaceable reeds, is fairly cheap brand new ($30), and is decent quality for the money.

He also said that if you're only getting one, then get the key of C.  It's middle C and gives you the most flexibility.

Hey Blue,
Wow... I just posted and you took the time to make a call to your Uncle for a recommendation.  Thanks so much for your time and the same to your uncle.  :headbang1:  This is the greatest forum...
Yea, I was kind of considering that model.  It was in my top 3 choices.  It is in a very reasonable price range, has replaceable reeds, and has a good rep.

Thanks again &  :rock-on:
I use the Honer Blues Harp. I like it.

I have friends that likes Lee Oskers but they have a metalic ring to me.

Get a Green Bullet mic and plug it into a Tweed Champ and it will raise the hair on your entire body. And if you ever get a chance to blow one through a Tweed Bassman or a Sonny Jr you will knock the house down!!!

Here is the guy to watch and learn from on You Tube.
I usually go with Hohner Special 20's.  Not so much cuz they're any better (I'm not a huge harmonica player, so...)  But they're the only ones that John Popper from Blues Traveler uses, so I figure if he thinks they're the best... might as well give 'em a try. :)
Another Hohner Blues guy here.  Something I do with my harp is I keep it in the car.  When I'm driving alone, everytime I hit a light or some stop and go traffic, I wail on it a bit while I wait.  Probably looks odd to passersby, but it is a great way to get in some practice!
Black Dog said:
Blue313 said:
My uncle is a fairly good harp player so I called him.  He said to get a Hohner Blues Harp.  They have replaceable reeds, is fairly cheap brand new ($30), and is decent quality for the money.

He also said that if you're only getting one, then get the key of C.  It's middle C and gives you the most flexibility.

Hey Blue,
Wow... I just posted and you took the time to make a call to your Uncle for a recommendation.  Thanks so much for your time and the same to your uncle.   :headbang1:   This is the greatest forum...
Yea, I was kind of considering that model.  It was in my top 3 choices.  It is in a very reasonable price range, has replaceable reeds, and has a good rep.

Thanks again &  :rock-on:
Hey no problem man.  He's been playing on and off for fourty years, and he keeps the same hours as me.

I'm getting the impression that he's going to get me one as well.  When I told him "It's for a guy on the Internet" he got a funny tone to his voice.  :laughing7:
Tonar8353 said:
I use the Honer Blues Harp. I like it.

I have friends that likes Lee Oskers but they have a metalic ring to me.

Get a Green Bullet mic and plug it into a Tweed Champ and it will raise the hair on your entire body. And if you ever get a chance to blow one through a Tweed Bassman or a Sonny Jr you will knock the house down!!!

Here is the guy to watch and learn from on You Tube.

Well, it sounds like the Hohner Blues Harp is the crowds favorite.  I'm placing my order tonight...
I listened to some of the Lee Oskers on you tube and I tend to agree with your appraisal of being rather metalic.  Although, it's sometimes difficult to judge from a you tube video.

The other harp that I had been considering was the Seydel Blues Soloist.  Have you heard any of these live???  Thoughts???

Also, did you adjust your reeds like this video by Adam Gussow?  Not sure if I trust myself to try and tune my harmonica with my guitar.
Anyway, there are certainly lots of videos by Adam and other players on you tube certainly attribute him to their learning success.  So I will be checking out his other vids.

Thanks for the tips Tonar, have a smooth weekend &  :rock-on:

Tonar, when I was looking up tweed amps, I came across that guy last year. He does get a good sound.