I just realized...


Master Member
I totally know someone with a laser etching machine.  I didn't even think of it until now, but this guy I know has one and I'm pretty sure he would let me use it.  I've known him for like 10 years.  Oh the possiblities this could hold...
Booh-yah!, and remove those unsightly and unwanted hairs!~

Warts are a breeze too!!~
Crap, now you'll need another guitar to use the etching machine with  :icon_jokercolor:
Remember the laser-paisley?
Max said:
Crap, now you'll need another guitar to use the etching machine with  :icon_jokercolor:
Remember the laser-paisley?

FORGET IT!  I ain't doing it!
Actually..... the whole Tele covered in Florentine scroll would be not too bad.  

Plus, when you got done, the guitar wouldn't have any warts, or need to bikini wax any more!~
Max said:
Crap, now you'll need another guitar to use the etching machine with  :icon_jokercolor:
Remember the laser-paisley?

Exactly what I was thinking.  I want to do a steam punk/turn of the century style Tele build, and I was thinking of etching some sort of fitting design onto it.  I think it would be really cool with an art nouveau design either on the wood itself or on a metal pickguard.  If only I could get copper colored hardware (including tuners)! 

And BTW- I have no tattoos.  I'm not that badass yet.  Maybe someday.

THAT'S reliced. Forget just stripping parts to get to the copper. That's cooler.
I'm not a fan of rust though.  Beaten up is cool, but rust bothers me.  I'm not Salad Fingers.
MAX?  Are those things from the Titanic,  I will never understand relics, if anyone actually had an original axe that looked that bad they should....well I'm not sure. have their guitar owning rights removed or something.
I think it works best to bury them with some corpses?* Maybe that works better with Gibsons. :icon_tongue:

*(Preferably virgins - good luckski! - but any old vampire, or infant sacrifice, ought to do in a pinch.)
Yeah, the Steampunk V2 is really cool.  I would love to be the person who built that.  It's been done though.  I want mine to be a Tele because Teles are the Model T of guitars already.