
I had great fun discussing the quality of warmoth with a friend of mine.

The Norwegian Guy said:
But when on tour, having a whole stage on a couple of semi trucks, they'd have their own geetars for sure.

You could equally argue that on the big tours, that is when they are most at risk of having their personal guitars damaged or stolen when in transit. So they may consider notifying Ibanez of their schedule, doing a clinic or two in a town or two and picking up their own stage guitars for the country they are touring, from the stores they visit.
clewnii said:
The Norwegian Guy said:
I know. He also said that the signature models a normal person could buy, is THE EXACT same guitar as paul gilbert plays.

Well, I doubt!

Well thats not true at all. The Ibanezes used by those "90's Guitar Gods" you mentioned were made in the USA by Mike Lipe (and maybe a few others?). HAND MADE, the way he still does it, without CNC and all that evil techno stuff ;)

Hand made with "hand" selected woods.

The only thing IBANEZ about them were some of the hardware, the shape and the logo...   errrr Right?

Today I GUESS their top sig models are made in Japan (?)  and they are NOT cheap, Gilberts reverse Iceman called the "Fireman" anyone?

I'm still talking about the mass produced ones. And I'm talking about todays production.
I like old ibanez guitars, but what Ibanez has become is something I really don't catch.
Street Avenger said:
I have an Ibanez guitar, and it's great, but my Warmoth is better.

I think you'll find a number of us think the same way.... :headbang:
when it comes to Ibanez, i just want SOME MORE LEFTIES.

also... they need to make an Iceman thats actually an Iceman, the ICT700 is just an iceman shaped RG.

I think value has to be a word used when describing Warmoth.  A lot of companies have custom shops, they also have custom shop prices and wait times. 

And sure Warmoth has other shapes, but their bread and butter is the Fender crowd.  Of course Orpheo throws that arguement out the window.  If your friend is a die hard Ibanez guy, a Soloist with fretboard extension probably ain't gonna do it for him anyway.  I was rooting around the internet the other day and did a search for "Warmoth" on some other forums.  The ehings we love about them were the things they were criticizing.  Fit, finish, wood choice, and quality.  Oh well, I guess we got the only good ones.  Lucky us.
It seems that we can be guilty of snobbery around here as good as the next group.  From my personal experience with guitars, here's my ranking in terms of quality:

1 - warmoth.  I never had such a good guitar.
2 - Rickenabcker.  Hate their legal department, but they have put together a fine fine instrument since the 50's.  They are also the only NA manufacturer that has never sold out.  Still owned by the original family.
3 - Ibanez.  Make a fine guitar for a good price.  What's not to like?
4 - Fender.  Well, they're getting better.  In the 70s and 80s they were pretty bad.
5 - Gibson.  Wow.  I all ways hope and dream when I pick one up.  The dreams are always nightmares.

Other premier makes (PRS, G&L, Gretch, Hamer, etc) I have not had enough experience with to comment.

One guitar that I want to like and just somehow can't:  Godin.  I just can't like these instruments made in my own country.  I'm a freak.  :icon_scratch:

So is that Ibanez a good guitar? Sure - as good as anything else out there for the price.  I'm not going to buy one though.
We're Allowed to be Snobs. we're right.  :icon_jokercolor:

But seriously, I don't yet own a Warmoth. I have played with a MIM strat that had a Warmoth neck. and I thought it looked and felt great.

after that it was just the fact that I can get a Great lefty of what i want, it has tons of brand rep and is liked by people who play MANY different styles.

the diversity in the fanbase... was one of the final things that made me settle on Warmoth. that many different people could agree.

Still I have a Guitar wishlist a mile long. and 8/10ths of it Warmoth can fill. be it lefty Icemen and Explorers, Humbuckered Tele's or hardtail strats.

I can get it here. built to suit. for about 400 dollars more than Righty would pay for a similar instrument of equal or lesser quality.

getting LP's without the LP neck joint... is yet ANOTHER reason to like Warmoth.

Warmoth serves unusual tastes.

its a good fit for me.

Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
I was rooting around the internet the other day and did a search for "Warmoth" on some other forums.  The ehings we love about them were the things they were criticizing.  Fit, finish, wood choice, and quality.  Oh well, I guess we got the only good ones.  Lucky us.

very true. there was a discussion on warmoth on another popular forum, and one guy posted something like "they're bad, don't buy them." i asked him to be more specific and he basically told me that he made poor wood choices and it turned out badly. so its warmoth's fault. some people will never be happy.
I think I should clarify my statement.  I am not saying there is not going to be a recognizable difference in quality between a high end guitar or a warmoth vs a $800 guitar.  I more mean playability is primarily in the setup.  Accoustical guitars excluded as I feel the sound coming purely from the instrument makes them much more sensitive.  I fully expect my Warmoth to be better than anything I can pick up at guitar center when I am done.
I talked with this guy again - and he thinks that unofficial warmoth is THE most tragical and ignorant forum ever.

I love this guy! :icon_jokercolor:
Andreas is clearly exaggerating, because almost all of these "Quotes" is basicly bullshit from his side.
I simply do not care about his meanings in this discussion, because he cannot simply accept that different people have different opinions and taste in guitars and other sorts of gear.
And what i have said about the signature guitars of (and i only mentioned) Paul Gilbert, is that they are -based- on his real signature guitar, and that the quality of an Ibanez is evenly good, and that has resulted in that Paul toured with a random RG750 that ibanez gave him at demand.
And of course, you wont register on this forum, unless you are more than average interested in a warmoth guitar, therefore the "fanboy"-rumour.
Noone in here would actually admit the downsides with a WM.
KurtCaparison said:
Andreas is clearly exaggerating, because almost all of these "Quotes" is basicly bullshite from his side.
I simply do not care about his meanings in this discussion, because he cannot simply accept that different people have different opinions and taste in guitars and other sorts of gear.
And what i have said about the signature guitars of (and i only mentioned) Paul Gilbert, is that they are -based- on his real signature guitar, and that the quality of an Ibanez is evenly good, and that has resulted in that Paul toured with a random RG750 that ibanez gave him at demand.
And of course, you wont register on this forum, unless you are more than average interested in a warmoth guitar, therefore the "fanboy"-rumour.
Noone in here would actually admit the downsides with a WM.

Fantastic to see that you actually refuse to have said some of this  :icon_thumright:
And the statment that I can't accept different opinions is incorrect. But I'm glad you wrote it though, because I'm sure that most guys on this forum know that the statmement was wrong.
And about those signature models.
I said that I was pretty sure of that the models Paul Gilbert play, is models that are explicitely produced - and are higher quality than the mass production models.

And we would admit the downsides of a warmoth product if we discovered any flaws, density and had other issues with the parts we order. It's done before.
I didn't Register as a Warmoth Fan, I registered to learn stuff.

I did it here and on about 10 other sites.

this is the only one I still post on.
There are plenty of faults in W guitars, there are plenty in ANY guitar.. But we like W cause they rock and we can get an AMAZING quality product for a shiteload less than a "Custom shop" and we still get EXACTLY what we want... In most cases  :icon_biggrin: