
How's this for service?


Hero Member
Order placed on Monday for showcase body and neck ...... check.
Got home from work today, to find an email ... tracking information from UPS ..... CHECK!
Projected delivery date ..... TOMORROW!!!!!  

In all likelyhood, I'm still going to be at work when the UPS truck arrives, which means that I'll have to go to the UPS store to pick up my goodies ... (damn those international duty charges!)

However, that means I can start my Deluxe 5 jazz project this weekend!

I'm definately going to take my time finishing it ..... it's just the body and neck that's arriving.  I did that on purpose so that I wouldn't be in too much of a hurry with the finishing to bolt everything onto it!

Thanks Warmoth ..... I CAN'T WAIT!!!!

For those interested ..... swamp ash deluxe 5 body, maple/ebony neck .... and the rest of the details once the build starts coming together.
lucky b*st*rd ;) I placed my order on august 5th, with a waiting period of 5 to 6 weeks, but it will most likely be 9 weeks :( first (and only) time I ever had to wait longer than 6 weeks for a neck. its just a neck (and an extra pickup hole in the guitar, but that shouldn't take 9 weeks, right?)
Orpheo said:
lucky b*st*rd ;) I placed my order on august 5th, with a waiting period of 5 to 6 weeks, but it will most likely be 9 weeks :( first (and only) time I ever had to wait longer than 6 weeks for a neck. its just a neck (and an extra pickup hole in the guitar, but that shouldn't take 9 weeks, right?)

Well, I suppose I can attribute the speed of this delivery to the fact that the body and neck were showcase pieces, and that the only work being done to them were the pickup, bridge, and input jack routs for the body, and frets and a nut for the neck.
Perhaps Monday was a slow day at the shop, so they got it done quick!  :icon_thumright:
Wow, that's crazy.  I'm in Detroit, and Warmoth orders always take 6 shipping days to get to me.  And you're even farther away and will be receiving your stuff 5 days after you ordered it?! Maybe i should move to Toronto :laughing7:

Happy building!  :occasion14:
jalane said:
Wow, that's crazy.  I'm in Detroit, and Warmoth orders always take 6 shipping days to get to me. 

Same here. If something ships on Monday, I get it the following Wednesday. Although, the last couple orders I've had them ship via the USPS instead, and that knocks it back to 4 days. Same price, so no punishment there.

I don't know what UPS does differently getting things from Warmoth to here than they do with any other vendors, but it's dramatic. I get stuff from all over the country via UPS, and it never takes more than 3 days. Maybe Warmoth should look into switching to FedEx or DHL or someone. Might even cost less. Another benefit to FedEx is they deliver in the morning, rather than 5 in the afternoon like UPS, which is like adding another day. That might be a local routing thing, though.
I think it is how long they take to get it to the shipper
most shippers can get a package across the USA in 4 days with ease. The infrastructure set up by UPS or Fed Ex means it can be on a truck in your town on the 4th day with time to spare.first day gets it to a bulk center and from there it is shipped to a regional bulk center and then to your town. Overnight is amazing but cost and is not really offered everywhere like advertised.
So seeing how it is so easy to ship 4 days, the draw back is getting enough orders to go pull them and wait for UPS to pick them up.
Jusatele said:
I think it is how long they take to get it to the shipper

I agree, but you can't get a tracking number until UPS gets the package, and that's where I've always timed from.
jalane said:
Wow, that's crazy.  I'm in Detroit, and Warmoth orders always take 6 shipping days to get to me.  And you're even farther away and will be receiving your stuff 5 days after you ordered it?! Maybe i should move to Toronto :laughing7:

Happy building!  :occasion14:

Detroit to Toronto?  I could be for that--more Rush, less Seeger!
Graffiti62 said:
Detroit to Toronto?  I could be for that--more Rush, less Seeger!

No kidding. The radio stations here play Seeger like he just came out last week. Every third song is one of his worst. I stopped listening to the radio a long time ago because of it. It's like the guy sold his soul to the devil for airtime or something. He was never that great to begin with, and now we've got two or three all-Seeger stations.
Cagey said:
Graffiti62 said:
Detroit to Toronto?  I could be for that--more Rush, less Seeger!

No kidding. The radio stations here play Seeger like he just came out last week. Every third song is one of his worst. I stopped listening to the radio a long time ago because of it. It's like the guy sold his soul to the devil for airtime or something. He was never that great to begin with, and now we've got two or three all-Seeger stations.

when I was in school (70s) the rock stations played pop, hard, southern, etc, now they are broke down into specialized formats. I really miss the days when you could hear it all, not that you liked it all but the variety was really nice, now if a song is a hit with that station I hear it once an hour, no wonder I have serius radio, I can change format whenever I want and do not seem to hear the same song but every couple of days.
Graffiti62 said:
Detroit to Toronto?  I could be for that--more Rush, less Seeger!

I was always under the impression that Detroit radio stations were required to play "Don't Stop Believing"by Journey .... at least that's what the Red Wings games would have me believe.  :)

Hockey season starts soon everyone!

And yes, Toronto's most popular Rock station, Q107, plays the requisite amout of Rush, the Tragically Hip, and Max Webster.

To get back on the original topic, UPS tried to make the delivery today, and are going to try again tomorrow ... hopefully after 5:00PM so I will be home from work to receive it!
Cagey said:
Graffiti62 said:
Detroit to Toronto?  I could be for that--more Rush, less Seeger!

No kidding. The radio stations here play Seeger like he just came out last week. Every third song is one of his worst. I stopped listening to the radio a long time ago because of it. It's like the guy sold his soul to the devil for airtime or something. He was never that great to begin with, and now we've got two or three all-Seeger stations.

It's amazing how beloved Detroit-based recording artists in general are to people in the Detroit area.  I dunno, maybe it's that way everywhere (but i kind of doubt it).  I mean, Eminem, Kid Rock and even the White Stripes get front page featured stories in the sunday Detroit Free Press when they come out with new records.  When you can push stories detailing the crumbling economy and the many woes of the auto industry off the front page of a fricking Detroit newspaper, it's safe to say you're kind of a big deal.
AndyG said:
Graffiti62 said:
Detroit to Toronto?  I could be for that--more Rush, less Seeger!

I was always under the impression that Detroit radio stations were required to play "Don't Stop Believing"by Journey .... at least that's what the Red Wings games would have me believe.  :)

Hockey season starts soon everyone!

And yes, Toronto's most popular Rock station, Q107, plays the requisite amout of Rush, the Tragically Hip, and Max Webster.

To get back on the original topic, UPS tried to make the delivery today, and are going to try again tomorrow ... hopefully after 5:00PM so I will be home from work to receive it!

When I worked as a student computer technician in college, every afternoon I worked, I'd stream Kim's show from Q107 online--great station!

But in all honesty, I think its in Michigan's legislation somewhere that you have to play Bob Seeger and/or Ted Nugent every hour if you operate a radio station in the state of Michigan. I swear, every time I've driven from Mackinaw City south, I hear "Her Strut" at least once. At least there's Alice Cooper on one of the stations up here, and he at least tries to play a little variety on that syndicated show of his.
jalane said:
When you can push stories detailing the crumbling economy and the many woes of the auto industry off the front page of a fricking Detroit newspaper, it's safe to say you're kind of a big deal.

No, it's more accurate to say that there's so little that the liberal press is willing to report on in Detroit that incredibly petty things can make it to the front page. Not that the Free Press is a major publication now. So few people read it, or are capable of reading it in the paper's target demographic, that they don't even print a daily paper any more. Pretty sad, really. A city of 6 or 7 hundred thousand people can't support a local paper? Of course, most people there just throw their garbage out the window since garbage collection is so sporadic and unpredictable that they don't need a newspaper to wrap things in.

Makes me sick. I remember when I was a kid, the population there was approaching 2 million. It was a proud place. I was born and raised there, and I'm glad I was, but I'm afraid I was the last generation to experience Detroit in its heyday. Now you check your gas gauge before you even cross through it on an expressway to make sure you don't have to stop.

But, that's another thread. We're supposed to be talking about Warmoth's responsiveness <grin>
well, to get things back on subject
Warmoth, in the town of Puyallup looks to be about 20 something miles from Tacoma and the Interstate Hwy 5, a very major western Freeway. And maybe 50 or 60 miles from Seattle, so it is not in the back woods. However let us say it does take a day to hit Seattle and get sorted. I still cannot figure that they do not have less than once a day pickup from UPS. Looking at the factory tour online,you get the idea that there must be 12 faces I can recognize as different, so you know there are more. Now if we think of how many necks and bodies it takes to support just that many salaries you know they are shipping a lot of product. How much of that is direct to public, and how much is for wholesale accounts to boutique builders and larger accounts such as Yamaha we as the public do not know, but I would image they have daily pickups from the major shippers.
So, If you say a day to pull, a day to get to Seattle, and then lets give them 5 days coast to coast, then a 7 day wait does not seem that long.
I would like to know how what percentage goes out to the public direct, and how much is commercial accounts. The growth of Warmoth to commercial wholesale accounts would be key to their success and the commitment you see to custom builds to the public is what amazes me. How can they pop out the quality of product they do and deliver it so fast. It seems that the amount of time to assemble and carve a neck, cure it between each step and keep up on quality control, doing that on a one to one basis of custom orders, would be a logistics nightmare.
Come to think of it, I think they get it delivered fast.
For the record, Puyallup may actually be the best place in the NW to live.  We're 15 min from Tacoma, 30 from Olympia, 30-40 from Seattle, and more importantly, an hour or so from Mt Rainier.  We're close enough to everything, far enough away from everything, and we have the Western Washington Fairgrounds downtown, so we always have some wacky show going on.  The next Guitar show should be out here.

Oh, boy! Fairgrounds! I'm packing my stuff tonight! LOL! Get serious. Fairgrounds are as common as dirt. What about tittybars? <grin>
Cagey said:
Oh, boy! Fairgrounds! I'm packing my stuff tonight! LOL! Get serious. Fairgrounds are as common as dirt. What about tittybars? <grin>
oh yea, the unofficial Warmoth tittie bar crawl, where do we sign up? :occasion14: