wow... Thanks for the :icon_thumright:
Great ego boost.
The neck is pretty sweet - I feel ridiculous having put off finishing this bass for so long.
I personally liked Warwicks, but not the straight lower horn, and I liked Spectors but not the symmetrical butt. So... this is the shape I came up with.
The profile was asymmetrical when I first cut it out, and when I revised it this year (almost 10 years after cutting it out), I made sure the waist on either side was equidistant from the mid line, as well as the widest points of the butt (If that makes any sense).
The mockup obviously has more detail than what'll be in the finished product, but I'll take my time, try to pull it off as great looking as possible. If I don't like the product, I'll scrap it and make a simpler bloodwood cover.
The tattoo (tried taking pics, the self shots are horrid - it's on the back of my calf) is basically only the outline of what I plan for the cover, made in very thick black line (no bones). Just stylized outline. Two of those, one smaller than the other, representing my wife and I. Why polar bears? Dunno - just liked it. Plan to put two smaller ones for my daughter and my (to be) baby coming in November. (Then the audience says "awwwwwwwww...")
I wanted to do a "flaming skull" type thing, but not a flaming skull. Mind you, if the polar bear looks bad, it might end up being a flaming skull.
It's what the bass told me it wanted - a flaming skull type thing, but not a flaming skull. No, but seriously, I don't play punk music (blues, jazz and alternative), but I think the global image of the bass requires it.
Great ego boost.
The neck is pretty sweet - I feel ridiculous having put off finishing this bass for so long.
I personally liked Warwicks, but not the straight lower horn, and I liked Spectors but not the symmetrical butt. So... this is the shape I came up with.
The profile was asymmetrical when I first cut it out, and when I revised it this year (almost 10 years after cutting it out), I made sure the waist on either side was equidistant from the mid line, as well as the widest points of the butt (If that makes any sense).
The mockup obviously has more detail than what'll be in the finished product, but I'll take my time, try to pull it off as great looking as possible. If I don't like the product, I'll scrap it and make a simpler bloodwood cover.
The tattoo (tried taking pics, the self shots are horrid - it's on the back of my calf) is basically only the outline of what I plan for the cover, made in very thick black line (no bones). Just stylized outline. Two of those, one smaller than the other, representing my wife and I. Why polar bears? Dunno - just liked it. Plan to put two smaller ones for my daughter and my (to be) baby coming in November. (Then the audience says "awwwwwwwww...")
I wanted to do a "flaming skull" type thing, but not a flaming skull. Mind you, if the polar bear looks bad, it might end up being a flaming skull.
It's what the bass told me it wanted - a flaming skull type thing, but not a flaming skull. No, but seriously, I don't play punk music (blues, jazz and alternative), but I think the global image of the bass requires it.