Here's the graphs for the 10CX alignments mentioned. The default is for round ports, but I did these as triangular assuming you were trying to incorporate that into yours.It does make for a tighter face.
Grey is the dimensions you listed. (3162 in^3, 45 Hz (4 x 2.625 triangle port 8.5 deep)
Blue is a maximally flat alginment (2776 in^3, 60 Hz (4.0 dia, 4x triangular ports 3.5" x 3.5", 8.5" deep)
Red is the SPL / Excursion optimized box, with the bass hump untreated (2110 in^3, 85 Hz, 4x Triangular ports 4"x4", 6.4" deep)
Yellow is the same box with the -4.5db, f=85 Hz, Q=0.5 applied (Red doesn't show up on the SPL max chart because it exactly coincides with the Yellow - physical capability of the box remains the same)
Grey is the dimensions you listed. (3162 in^3, 45 Hz (4 x 2.625 triangle port 8.5 deep)
Blue is a maximally flat alginment (2776 in^3, 60 Hz (4.0 dia, 4x triangular ports 3.5" x 3.5", 8.5" deep)
Red is the SPL / Excursion optimized box, with the bass hump untreated (2110 in^3, 85 Hz, 4x Triangular ports 4"x4", 6.4" deep)
Yellow is the same box with the -4.5db, f=85 Hz, Q=0.5 applied (Red doesn't show up on the SPL max chart because it exactly coincides with the Yellow - physical capability of the box remains the same)