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Unwound G

Hero Member
Been cleaning out my workshop over the weekend and discovered an old copy of Guitar Player February 1991 issue.   I must have kept it because of an article by Dan Erlewine on Warmoth.  For those who have never came across this article, here is a page taken from it.  Enjoy.
Very interesting, I guess the other people in the article besides Kevin and Ken aren't there anymore... :dontknow:
Would you be willing to donate that magazine back to Warmoth for my archives?  I keep records of all that stuff and I don't recall having a copy of that particular article.  I suppose I'd find it if I rummaged thru the ol' man's pile o' stuff, but it's dark and scary in that corner.

Sandy Hosfelt
DangerousR6 said:
Very interesting, I guess the other people in the article besides Kevin and Ken aren't there anymore... :dontknow:

Nah.  1991 was a long time ago.  That's a lifetime for some of us!
Sandy, you must have packed my orders with your little hands in the days when Jim was running the workshop and Gayle was billing for merchandise.  For not ever missing a pickguard screw or a string ferrule, it will be my pleasure to donate my copy to Warmoth.  Will post it in a couple days.  Jamie Chivers used to look after my orders and your dad told me a few year back that Jamie received his Doctorate in Psychology or Sociology.  Ahhh..........that's going back a long way.  I can even remember as far back as my first order with Boogie Bodies but that is another story.

Cheers to all at Warmoth.
Red Rocks said:
Would you be willing to donate that magazine back to Warmoth for my archives?  I keep records of all that stuff and I don't recall having a copy of that particular article.  I suppose I'd find it if I rummaged thru the ol' man's pile o' stuff, but it's dark and scary in that corner.

Sandy Hosfelt

The magazine is now in the mail.
YOu know what would be cool.  A collection of old warmoth ads and articles.  Maybe we should start a thread for that?
DocNrock said:
Max said:
Almost, but I'm a '92 guy.

Born in '92 means more than a lifetime.   :icon_biggrin:
'92 seems like a looooooooooooooooooooong time ago... :doh:  Probably because I don't remember most of '92.... :laughing7:
Here's another article on Warmoth:


Now that's one of the better interviews I've read in awhile.  Ken addressed a lot of different and controversial topics, without coming off like an Ed Roman.