I am but a simple man, and a creature of habit. When I ask this question, bear in mind that in my whole life I've never used anything more sophisticated than a two-HB guitar with a three way switch on the one hand, and a standard strat with 5-way switch (and a full-time ON switch for the bridge pup, very sophisticated) on the other, and that my effects rig consists of a fifteen-foot cable and on-board amp reverb. Just so you you know where my biases are.
Do you really expect you'll get usable tones with all those options? By usable, I mean pickup settings you'll actually go to on the fly when you play live, or that will make sense in the context of recording, rather than just another in the endless series of "Wow, THAT sounds cool, too!" moments we all love to experience. Don't get me wrong - I love those moments, and I go fool around in the guitar stores to experience them. Just wondering if you're pursuing the broad variety of switching options simply because it CAN be done, rather than because it needs doing.