
Heavy Reading, I can't wait till summer when School is over.

Volitions Advocate

Hero Member
I'm starting to burn out.

Spring break wasn't long enough and I spent too much time working during it.  Up here in Canada we call it Reading Week... and I didn't do much reading, but that doesn't help that I'm sick of reading this:


and definitely sick and tired of reading manuals:


Yeah, when school's out I plan on finishing up Dante's Divine Comedy and then reading the Aeneid and hoping that something magical happens once I've read both. Nerd or songwriter?  :tard: Anyway I already found Stairway to Heaven lyrics in Inferno, so it's all good, right? Two steps closer to understanding what the song's about.  :icon_tongue:

Beats hell out of working for a living... though when reading is the work, it's confusing. When you get to be a little older, you'll come to understand that reading is one of the Good Witches. Working day in and day out at some suck-ass job rips your soul out of your body and stomps on it, and then your television pees on it... reading, on the other hand, fills you up. Someday when you're old, you'll wish you'd gotten smart when you had the chance, unless of course you're so dumb that thoughts like that are inconceivable. :sad:
I'm going to be reading Dr. Suess (Pronounced Zoice) to elementary schoolers on Tuesday. The class I chose to read to...

Is my ex girlfriend's mom's class  :laughing7:
Well I find the textbooks rather interesting and of course since I'm getting my bachelor of music degree I should find them interesting.  I'm just in that spot where I know I've got too much studying to do that it would be a little irresponsible to put much time into reading for entertainment.  And I wish that were not the case.