
Headstock veneer/laminates still a thing, and has anyone seen a LSR gold rolling nut for sale?


It's been about 5 years since I assembled a full Warmoth build, and I have a vison for this one.
I'm in the parts collecting phase with the body and electronics are on their way, and hopefully by the end of February it'll all be here.

First thing, outside the Fender custom shop has anyone seen a gold LSR roller nut for sale?
I don't want to swipe a custom shop SN off line and try to get a "replacement" for it, but... that might be the only way?
I guess I could get a chrome one and get into plating? I don't know but I thought I'd ask.
Never thought a gold LSR nut be a chicken's tooth, but I want a LSR roller nut with locking tuners.
I haven't had the LSR with locking tuners yet, but I hear its "as good" as a Floyd locking nut without the pain of being a locking nut.

So, body is going to be swamp ash and the neck maple. Stain wise these won't match for a matching headstock. I've poked around on a few neck builds but cannot find a drop down for headstock veneer. I'm wanting this for a CBS Mustang/Jag neck, so I was thinking maybe it's a short scale neck problem? Yet I poked around on building a Strat neck too and didn't see it there.

I'm excited for this one, and I can't wait to show it off. 😁

Thanks for any help and insight.
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Yes, you can get a headstock lam from Warmoth you have to contact sales for details: see link below.

No such thing as a gold LSR that I have seen widely available or rarely available for that matter.

An LSR with a well set-up guitar and a good trem can work very well but a locking Floyd and nut I would say is the most stable. I have also none Fine Tuner Floyds with necks using LSRs and they are quite stable but not quite as much as Floyds with locking nuts so I say this with experience. Could one be "as good" as the other, that would depend on what you are doing with them.
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