
Headfstock Decal for Strat

Cagey said:
Street Avenger said:
Many celebrity guitar players have put name-brand decals on their guitars that were not the manufacturer.

Many celebrity guitar players have endorsement deals that would get their asses kicked if they're seen with something other than what they're supposed to be singing the praises of.

Very true, and of course I knew that, but it's still B.S.ing people into believing that the guitar is something it's not.
reluctant-builder said:
I just had a semblance of an epiphany. While I used to be a brand-whore for the Fender decal on the headstock, I absolutely hate -- despise -- seeing pickup covers with "Seymour Duncan" emblazoned on them. It just looks wrong to me; I want my pup covers to be whatever color I choose, uninterrupted by anyone's branding. When I see his name on pup covers it seriously detracts from my enjoyment of the guitar's look.

A headstock without a decal or inlay -- regardless of whose -- is just the opposite issue; it looks incomplete.

Do you have any idea how easy it is to remove the "Seymour Duncan" print from a pickup?  A pencil eraser usually does the trick.
Not that anyone really cares, but I intend for my next build to be a Warmoth Tele (all Warmoth, this time), and I intend to put a Warmoth decal on the back of the headstock. I just think it'd be kind'a different.

Getting shot in the face is kinda different, too. But, why would you want to do that?

Day's gonna come when having an authentic original Warmoth is going to be a sign of distinction. I mean, already you know if you see somebody playing one, they're no slouch. They know their instruments. Whether they can play or not is something else, but at least you know that they know what makes sense and what doesn't.

Of course, it's also a culture of originality, so if you want to look a certain way, it's all you.
hannaugh said:
Too bad they put those huge tacky letters on there, cause the bridge is a nice looking one without them.  I doubt it does all that they say it does, but the design is nice on the eye. 

If Mr. Babicz comes up with a two-point knife-edge variant, I'll be more inclined to agree with you.  As it is, it looks like one of the better selections of a bad lot - the six-screw retrofits, I mean.

Is that already a band name, by the way?  The Retrofits?
It is surprising that for a so-called "leading edge" and "revolutionary" part that they'd choose to use such a pitiful pivot design. Aren't there any mechanical engineers involved with vibrato bridge design, or are they all liberal arts major dropouts?
Oh, I don't care. I wouldn't do it that way, but that's just me. I'm proud to use Warmoth parts, so they're prominently identified as such. And as has been mentioned, a naked headstock face looks... naked. But, I'm not going to put Chrysler's marque on there, or Coca-Cola's, or Fender's. It's gonna be Warmoth's, mine/unique, or nothing.

I especially liked the unique headstock treatment Kei had done for his Strat...

Cagey said:
Oh, I don't care. I wouldn't do it that way, but that's just me. I'm proud to use Warmoth parts, so they're prominently identified as such. And as has been mentioned, a naked headstock face looks... naked. But, I'm not going to put Chrysler's marque on there, or Coca-Cola's, or Fender's. It's gonna be Warmoth's, mine/unique, or nothing.

In my opinion by putting a Fender decal on a partial or complete Warmoth project, I'm not degrading Warmoth in any way - i am also proud to use Warmoth parts, I would not select Warmoth in the first place if I wouldn't feel this way.

My most recent example is here http://www.unofficialwarmoth.com/index.php?topic=17474.0 and it's half Fender, half Warmoth guitar now.
Should I keep a Fender logo on it? Besides how different changing the neck is from changing the pickups for example? It's no longer the same product Fender has sold to me, but still has the exact shape and style of a Fender Stratocaster, not a Coca Cola bottle. My new neck by the way, compared to defected Fender's original deserves to carry the logo more... 

I am not trying to stir up the discussion sir, I see your point and highly respect it. 