Happy father's day!


Epic Member
Hope all you dads are having a great day!  As for my self, I was happily playing 'Tom Sawyer' on the couch while my kids cleaned up after breakfast, when the youngest one tripped over the dishwasher door and gave himself a large bruise and a big old cut on his hand.  Ooops!! so much for taking it easy on the couch!  :)  He's recovering just fine BTW.

Have a great day one and all!
I gave up on the notion of "relaxing" a long time ago.  Kids with special needs will do that to a man. ;)
Living the Father's Day legend, I got a new Focusrite 2i2, recording on the iPad at the kitchen table with my trusty half-Carvin, half-Warmoth strat.

yeah, my guitar-playing face seems to default to "would someone please just put me out of my misery" even when I'm having a blast.