
Guitar wiring links.....Beginners and advanced....

Better add this:

I'm not sure that there's anything new to it, but it's got a lot of stuff all in the same place.
This is a good starting point for absolute beginners:

A useful discussion on this forum for P rails in the bridge and a single coil in the neck with a five way switching scheme.

Thought this would be very user friendly, so I decided to make a one stop for links to other sites with schematic and wiring info; as I noticed alot of these request from newer builders in particular keep coming up. Feel free to add on..............it will be usefull to stop here at Warmoth to find the info that ya need, rather than searching the net everytime you build. :icon_smile:

http://www.guitar-mod.com/rg_diag_strat.html ......Rothstein Guitars...Cool Stuff

http://www.guitarelectronics.com/category/wiringresources has extensive pickup color codes

http://www.guitarnuts.com Excellent info

this is thier forum with wiring info on lots of stuff amps,effects,guitar etc.

http://www.seymourduncan.com SEYMOUR DUNCAN

http://www.deaf-eddie.net STRAT / TELE

go to his custom wiring moifications page its killer

http://www.guitarnucleus.com Guitar and Bass

http://www.guitartechcraig.com some really good diagrams and some extra's like Brian May's special wiring

http://www.dimarzio.com DIMARZIO

http://fender.com/ FENDER

http://www.tdpri.com TELE

http://www.projectguitar.com a bit of everything

http://www.1728.com/guitar.htm wiring / rewiring

http://alexplorer.net Cool stuff, gotta check this one out

http://www.warwickbass.com BASS

http://www.12stringbass.com BASS

http://www.joness.com Rolands crazy electronics info - go to guitar synth section

http://dozin.com/jers/guitars/tiger/info.html The guitars and basses of The Grateful Dead.....go to "The Guitars" section, at the bottom of the page, its complete with schematics

http://www.blueguitar.org This is all those Custom mods, Jimmy Page, Frankenstrat, etc.

http://www.ibanez.com/ IBANEZ

http://www.stewmac.com/freeinfo Stewart MacDonald free info.....wiring, repair, etc....

http://www.stewmac.com/wiring101/index.hzml Stew Mac's basic wiring / tips

http://www.stellartone.com/Page.asp?NavID=80 Multi Brand schematics, music man, paul reed smith, gibson, etc.
Thank you for sharing. What a plethora of resources.
Let me add wiring diagrams for Freeway switches, an excellent English Company.
