
Guitar wiring links.....Beginners and advanced....


Hero Member
Thought this would be very user friendly, so I decided to make a one stop for links to other sites with schematic and wiring info; as I noticed alot of these request from newer builders in particular keep coming up.  Feel free to add on..............it will be usefull to stop here at Warmoth to find the info that ya need, rather than searching the net everytime you build. :icon_smile:

http://www.guitar-mod.com/rg_diag_strat.html  ......Rothstein Guitars...Cool Stuff

http://www.guitarelectronics.com/category/wiringresources        has extensive pickup color codes

http://www.guitarnuts.com       Excellent info

this is thier forum with wiring info on lots of stuff amps,effects,guitar etc.


http://www.seymourduncan.com      SEYMOUR DUNCAN

http://www.deaf-eddie.net           STRAT / TELE

go to his custom wiring moifications page its killer       

http://www.guitarnucleus.com      Guitar and Bass

http://www.guitartechcraig.com      some really good diagrams and some extra's like Brian May's special wiring

http://www.dimarzio.com          DIMARZIO

http://fender.com/          FENDER

http://www.tdpri.com                TELE

http://www.projectguitar.com       a bit of everything

http://www.1728.com/guitar.htm        wiring / rewiring

http://alexplorer.net     Cool stuff, gotta check this one out


http://www.warwickbass.com            BASS

http://www.12stringbass.com       BASS

http://www.joness.com          Rolands crazy electronics info  -  go to guitar synth section

 http://dozin.com/jers/guitars/tiger/info.html The guitars and basses of  The Grateful Dead.....go to "The Guitars" section, at the bottom of the page, its complete with schematics

http://www.blueguitar.org        This is all those Custom mods, Jimmy Page, Frankenstrat, etc.

http://www.ibanez.com/                          IBANEZ


http://www.stewmac.com/freeinfo     Stewart MacDonald   free info.....wiring, repair, etc....

http://www.stewmac.com/wiring101/index.hzml   Stew Mac's basic wiring / tips

http://www.stellartone.com/Page.asp?NavID=80       Multi Brand schematics, music man, paul reed smith, gibson, etc.

I found that Seymour Duncan one a while ago.  That one is by far the best with any type of wiring combination you can imagine.
:hello2: :hello2: :hello2:
Wow, this is the greatest collection of wiring links!
Thanks a lot!  :headbang:

If anyone can sticky this, I'll do a semi-glossary... Gregg? Wylee?

I'd add this one about finding the color codes for an unknown pickup:
Project Guitar is listed overall, but this is a good theory teacher. I'd also add this capacitor value translator:

And you can't do without Frank Ford:
Here are the links that I've found most useful over time:

Lindy Fralin

ACME Guitar Works

A couple others from GuitarElectronics.com

I've also looked over the Seymour Duncan site extensively, but won't post those again here since they're already in the thread.
I like this



Here is a site with hundreds of diagrams. There are diagrams for guitar wiring, amp, special circuits, effects.. I have still not been through everything but it is a great resource. It can be a bit strange to navigate sometimes. There is other related information which can be very useful as well.  Happy wiring!

Here's a great thread from the S.D. forums of a project using the P-Rails, Triple Shot, and some other stuff to provide a host of switching options.


Can't believe nobody's posted http://schematicheaven.com/ yet.  They have schematics and layouts for tons of older amps.
Probably because it's a guitar wiring links thread  :icon_jokercolor:

I've been on that site a ton lately, though. Got a lot of amps printed out.
I would have to add www.guitarhotrod.com, the whole point of the website is to help beginners with wiring diagrams and soldering tips.