
Guitar stand horrors?

I've had two Gibson guitars suffer from cheap guitar stands (Silvertone $12 model).  My EDS-1275 was minor and I was able to use rubbing compound/polish from Stu-Mac to make the marks disappear.  However, my J-200 with vintage sunburst did get marred with two small burn through marks.  Lacquer overspray will take care of it, I'm sure, but stay away from the cheap stuff (especially if you have repectable equipment).

I have a couple of cheap stands - they have not damaged by guitars in any way but the rubber on the feet has caused yellow stains in the vinyl floor in my studio !!!
Horror one.

My guitar teacher had a stand that on where the neck restes was a serial number on a rubber strip, that number is now permantly visilbe backwards on the the back of the acoustic.

Horror two.

A bolt out of the back of the guitar stand came out and the guitar smashes on the concrete and cracked in the body. (my Mate)
I took a "gun sock" ( mavailable at most sporting goods retailers ( used to put spare shotgun barrels in for storage , a soft , cotton cheesecloth typeof tube, and cut it to fit over the foam on the guitar stand that I put " brownie" in ( late1959 es125tcd, tobacco burst, walnut back  , original factory nitro finish) - wife says  it looks ugly, but it works !!!!    FYI, GB