
Guide hole plug... only in abalone or MoP? Ugh.


Hero Member
So, I was literally about to order a chambered strat body with two f-holes; rear routed alder with walnut top, vintage strat hardtail, one volume knob in the first tone slot, side jack, no pickup routes.  I wanted to make my own version of that beautiful nylon string that aizenx posted: http://www.unofficialwarmoth.com/index.php?topic=11042.0.  I just didn't want a pickguard. 

Now, Warmoth has to use a guide hole, and normall ya pickup route gets rid of that.  They offer an option for it to be filled, but only by obvious pieces of plastic.  I understand that wood is difficult to match like that, but why not at least offer plugs of the same type?  You could put a disclaimer that it won't match.  Seriously, ugh.  I even called and asked if they'd do it if I signed something to the effect that it wouldn't match, and still a big no.

I'm assuming that you are talking about something like this?

Maybe leave it and call it a beauty mark? :blob7:

line6man said:
I'm assuming that you are talking about something like this?

Maybe leave it and call it a beauty mark? :blob7:

Yeah, on the online builder, it's called a "guide hole."

Tell folks it's your guitar's belly button. It kinda is. Seriously, get a dowel of appropriate wood and plug it.
Why don't you put a piercing in it? :icon_jokercolor:

I think you have one lying around the house somewhere from something, don't you? :dontknow:
Last I checked, this was a suggestion forum, lol.  If you have a problem with suggestions, don't read it and go QQ elsewhere.  ;)

AprioriMark said:
Last I checked, this was a suggestion forum, lol.  If you have a problem with suggestions, don't read it and go QQ elsewhere.  ;)


That was my suggestion:  Instead of starting a thread whining that "Warmoth doesn't do bla bla", maybe
you should look outside Warmoth for your needs.  Cripes no need to get your panties in a twist over it.

Superlizard said:
Why cry about it?  Put the Free Market to work for you.   :icon_thumright:

Delightfully sarcastic remark, but yea... I'm with ApMk...

BTW, Apriori Mark, ApMk is you! Your name is too long to type out!
Superlizard said:
AprioriMark said:
Last I checked, this was a suggestion forum, lol.  If you have a problem with suggestions, don't read it and go QQ elsewhere.  ;)


That was my suggestion:  Instead of starting a thread whining that "Warmoth doesn't do bla bla", maybe
you should look outside Warmoth for your needs.  Cripes no need to get your panties in a twist over it.

Nothing I own is in a twist, I just think it's hilarious that you bumped an old thread to be hormonal about a suggestion... in the Suggestions section, where I suggested something reasonable, hahaha.  Obviously, going outside Warmoth is an option.  It turns out that no one needed you to point that out.  ;)  Again, Suggestion forum.

AprioriMark said:
Nothing I own is in a twist, I just think it's hilarious that you bumped an old thread to be hormonal about a suggestion... in the Suggestions section, where I suggested something reasonable, hahaha.  Obviously, going outside Warmoth is an option.  It turns out that no one needed you to point that out.  ;)  Again, Suggestion forum. -Mark

Seems to me you're the hormonal one what with all the whining and thread peeing you've been up to lately.

You peed on my thread, after all.

Just sayin'.  :dontknow:
Yes, bumping an old thread with a weak, weak flame attempt totally makes sense after considering that I made one post in a thread of yours.  Again, I invite you to look up the word "projection" and then have someone explain it to you. 

Since this is a suggestion forum:

Okay, we all know you and some others don't care for Agiles/don't like
the fact that I'm dealing with peeps in the background.

Yep - we get the f*cking picture already.

So, I suggest you find someone else's thread to piss on... got it?   :icon_thumright:
Superlizard said:
Since this is a suggestion forum:

Okay, we all know you and some others don't care for Agiles.

Yep - we get the f*cking picture already.

So, I suggest you find someone else's thread to piss on... got it?   :icon_thumright:

Are you actually mentally handicapped?

1) I made one comment in your childish "I'm taking my ball and going home" thread stating that i wanted my 30 seconds back after clicking on a thread that looked like a review of a product.
2) You're the one crying.  You.  Over and over.  I don't care about what guitars you choose to play.  I enjoy playing crappier ones than that.
3) You're actually coming across as insane with the way you're acting about that brand.  Who cares aside from you?  No one.  Certainly not me.  I've owned one before.
4) Most importantly.  You bumped an old thread of mine to tell me not to make suggestions in the Suggestions forum.  I'm actually laughing at you.  Are you really this hard up for attention? 

AprioriMark said:
Superlizard said:
Since this is a suggestion forum:

Okay, we all know you and some others don't care for Agiles.

Yep - we get the f*cking picture already.

So, I suggest you find someone else's thread to piss on... got it?   :icon_thumright:

Are you actually mentally handicapped?

1) I made one comment in your childish "I'm taking my ball and going home" thread stating that i wanted my 30 seconds back after clicking on a thread that looked like a review of a product.
2) You're the one crying.  You.  Over and over.  I don't care about what guitars you choose to play.  I enjoy playing crappier ones than that.
3) You're actually coming across as insane with the way you're acting about that brand.  Who cares aside from you?  No one.  Certainly not me.  I've owned one before.
4) Most importantly.  You bumped an old thread of mine to tell me not to make suggestions in the Suggestions forum.  I'm actually laughing at you.  Are you really this hard up for attention? 


Yeah?  And you're the one sucking up everyone's time on the board whining about my methods.

So, are you done crying over it yet?

Cripes - grow the fudge up.