
Graphite Stiffening Rods for Bass Necks!

What does the deluxe five warmoth headstock neck use?
cause there i can call bull on your last statement, as my z is complete passive, and i would say the neck adds tonnes to the complexity and growl of it.
BSAudio said:
Personally I'd rather have something closer to a vintage neck because its for a vintage bass. Also in my experience I'd rather add sustain after the bass with a compressor. Its much harder to add tone. (impossible if you ask me) I almost exclusively play rock so I don't usually need an unnatural amount of sustain. I'd rather have a bass with a rich, complex tone and harmonic structure than a cleaner, punchier, longer sustaining bass. I realize a lot of people will disagree with me and they have good reason to but for my style and my application this is the way to go.

But what makes you think a bass with a neck with steel rods can't/won't have a "rich, complex tone and harmonic structure"? It might sound slightly different, but that doesn't mean it still isn't rich or complex.

My guess is no one would ever know the difference unless you either told them or were comparing 2 otherwise identical necks side by side. A P-bass with a Warmoth neck with steel rods is still going to sound like a P-bass - we're talking about the last few percent of tonal differences here.
JimBeed said:
What does the deluxe five warmoth headstock neck use?
cause there i can call bull on your last statement, as my z is complete passive, and i would say the neck adds tonnes to the complexity and growl of it.

The D5 tiltbacks use the steel rods.  You can request the graphite instead though.

BEFORE WE START A WAR OF WORDS, let's take notice that it is hard to define 'good' tone.  Beauty is in the eyes and ears of the beholder.  

Graphite rods (CF technically) are commonly used in high end basses and have been requested options in Warmoth necks for many years.  The new option is a response to those requests.  The rods won't be for everyone and that's fine.
I'm gonna stop debating this for the moment. Bob at Warmoth is being very helpful and I may still be able to get the graphite rods. I'll wait and see how I like the original neck when it gets here.
BSAudio said:
drewfx said:
Instead of worrying about it, just tell yourself that the steel will counteract the tonal differences between maple and canary resulting in a perfect vintage sound. Then enjoy it.

You have my attention, do you mean that a maple w/ steel will sound more like canary w/ steel? or do you think the steel rods will actually make the canary w/ steel sound more like a vintage maple neck?

I think the point was that you can convince yourself of anything, good or bad, if you're really dedicated to believing it.  See, e.g., the birther clowns....  But it's reasonable to assume a big piece of steel in your neck will not sound the same as an otherwise identical neck with graphite instead of steel.  How discernible the difference would be is an academic question, of course.  You're only getting one or the other.

I guess it would be customary to now whip out the usual Unofficial War. response, "I wanna short-scale WITH stiffies! Waaah!"

There - I got it first, what's my prize? :icon_thumright:
stubhead said:
I guess it would be customary to now whip out the usual Unofficial War. response, "I wanna short-scale WITH stiffies! Waaah!"

There - I got it first, what's my prize? :icon_thumright:

Boobie prize?? :laughing7:

Oh wait.... that was inappropriate... sorry, I'll report myself to the mods.....