
Graphite Stiffening Rods for Bass Necks!


Hero Member
Staff member
Hello all,

We've been asked for quite sometime to offer Graphite Stiffening Rods as an option for our standard bass necks. We are happy to announce we have them. Just + $60 . More details coming when we officially launch the option on the website but you here have a heads up!

Will the graphite option be available for the 30", 32" and 6 String scaled bass necks?
This is such crap!
I almost didn't buy a warmoth because of those heavy steel rods but my friend convinced me to get one anyway.
And of course, I ordered it a week and a half before they announced the graphite rods.
Now, because my neck is almost done, they say it would cost $45 (?), plus a 25% restocking fee ($89) plus another $60 for the option, on top of the original price ($357) just to upgrade to graphite.
For those of you keeping score, thats a grand total of........ $551 for the neck I really need.
Now I'm stuck with a boat anchor to bolt onto my super light '71 P-bass because I don't have $200 lying around to fix it.
Does this make sense to anybody else?
Somebody please talk me off the ledge.
BSAudio said:
This is such crap!
I almost didn't buy a warmoth because of those heavy steel rods but my friend convinced me to get one anyway.
And of course, I ordered it a week and a half before they announced the graphite rods.
Now, because my neck is almost done, they say it would cost $45 (?), plus a 25% restocking fee ($89) plus another $60 for the option, on top of the original price ($357) just to upgrade to graphite.
For those of you keeping score, thats a grand total of........ $551 for the neck I really need.
Now I'm stuck with a boat anchor to bolt onto my super light '71 P-bass because I don't have $200 lying around to fix it.
Does this make sense to anybody else?
Somebody please talk me off the ledge.
Go on, jump, you know you want to,
But seriously, this makes sense, 45 for the work to get the fretboard off and replace the trussrod, the restocking fee as they would likely need to get a different fretboard after its been taken off. and the 60 for the option is reasonable.

Well it is not their fault that you ordered it a week and a half before they announced it, but to me the cost makes perfect sense, as they have to rebuild the neck again to replace the trussrod.
As for the "boat anchor" i think its really not as bad as it seems, you just need to get used to it.
Dont blame warmoth for charging what they have to to get by in the replacement guitar parts world.
I'm not blaming warmoth for my horrible timing, I just wish there was some sort of grace period when introducing such a huge new option. Those fees make sense for dealing with customers who can't make up their mind but I'm asking for something I would have bought with no hesitation if it had been available when I'd ordered.
If I were them I would have emailed all the customers with custom bass necks in production to notify them of the new option before the neck reached the point of no return.
If I understood him correctly they won't take neck apart to replace the rods, they have to start again from scratch which doesn't make much sense to me but does help justify the outrageous fees if it really is necessary.
If thats the case that means I'll have to wait another 4+ weeks on top of the 5 weeks I've been waiting for this one.
That sucks but it would give me some time to sell my kidney to pay for the new neck.
A week and a half before a product launches, the employees know about it.  A, "Hey call back in a week and a half to order this and we'll have graphite rods." doesn't seem unreasonable.
Yeah, they should have told everyone ordering bass necks about it.
They had necks with graphite rods in the showcase when they announced it too, which means they started building them about 4 weeks before that and who knows how long before that they actually decided to do it.
I thought about asking if they could build a neck without the rods but decided not to. If only.
I have a lot of thinking to do. Anyone know a black-market organ harvester?
BSAudio said:
Yeah, they should have told everyone ordering bass necks about it.
They had necks with graphite rods in the showcase when they announced it too, which means they started building them about 4 weeks before that and who knows how long before that they actually decided to do it.
I thought about asking if they could build a neck without the rods but decided not to. If only.
I have a lot of thinking to do. Anyone know a black-market organ harvester?

Thats my weekend job  :icon_jokercolor:
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
A week and a half before a product launches, the employees know about it.  A, "Hey call back in a week and a half to order this and we'll have graphite rods." doesn't seem unreasonable.

Sure, but Warmoth employees aren't mind readers, they had no way of knowing he wanted something lighter, I'm sure there is bassists in the world who prefer that option over the graphite rods. They had no idea unless he mentioned it to them while ordering.
elfro89 said:
BSAudio said:
Yeah, they should have told everyone ordering bass necks about it.
They had necks with graphite rods in the showcase when they announced it too, which means they started building them about 4 weeks before that and who knows how long before that they actually decided to do it.
I thought about asking if they could build a neck without the rods but decided not to. If only.
I have a lot of thinking to do. Anyone know a black-market organ harvester?

Thats my weekend job  :icon_jokercolor:

Haha that was quick. I had a feeling someone on this board would be "well connected"
Is this a full service dark alley operating room or more of a bathtub-full-of-ice bring your own anesthesia kinda deal?
elfro89 said:
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
A week and a half before a product launches, the employees know about it.  A, "Hey call back in a week and a half to order this and we'll have graphite rods." doesn't seem unreasonable.

Sure, but Warmoth employees aren't mind readers, they had no way of knowing he wanted something lighter, I'm sure there is bassists in the world who prefer that option over the graphite rods. They had no idea unless he mentioned it to them while ordering.

Noone's asking them to be mind readers, just aware of the products they sell.
Well, you're quite new here and you've had a bummer timing experience - but, if you can stand even more waiting you might find somebody who can use the neck you ordered just as you ordered it - try posting the exact specs on "for sale or trade" before any kidney self-harvesting moves. There are a few builders on hand here who plow through merch pretty quickly. Though you'd be sure to take some loss, if the stars are shining upon you it might work out. Though you'd still have to wait, all over again. Personally, I've bought a padouk/pau ferro 4-string fretless precision neck and a maple/ebony fretless Deluxe 5 with the steel rods, and they're the best-sounding bass necks I've ever played. The rest of these bass's setup is dead simple, passive with ordinary pickups, and these basses slay dragons.

Steel works, baby. :headbang1: