
GOTM 2011 Update

I disavow any knowledge of the aforementioned law firm, and anyway... the little tape recorder thingy is beginning to smoke....
DMRACO said:
I will be helping with the cooperation of CB and Wyliee.  It will be a group effort...

I will have to say the dozens of PMs I got were very kind...besides...I love this place.

I would also like to thank both CB and Wyliee to keeping ths ball rolling and offering great feedback and suggestions

My name gets mentioned, only as my fingers did some typing.  The BRAINS was all DMRACO's, a most gracious individual I might add.
Do not let CB fool you.... :laughing3:

T minus four days and counting.  We ask everyone's patience as we work thru the first few months.  There are bound to be a few bumps in the road as we work thru the new processes.

We generally feel the changes will be welcomed and understood.  I encourage everyone to review the sticky thread that Wyliee posted in the GOTM section.

Also...just a final shout to CB, Max, Wyliee, and the countless others who supported both me and the GOTM process over the past two years.

Rock on.......
DMRACO said:
I encourage everyone to review the sticky thread that Wyliee posted in the GOTM section.

I checked that out a few days ago, and it's a little different, but very cool.  A much better process. :rock-on:
The only "real" change is procedural, as far as I can tell.  That is - instead of the submission pics to the forum, they get posted to an email address, which is uwfgom@gmail.com  (unofficial warmoth forum guitar of the month).

Some other little things - now its 1st-7th for submissions, no matter what day they fall on.  And 8th-14th for voting, no matter what day they fall on.  Doing it that way insures at least one full weekend, for the "weekend only" forum members.

There's a little "legalese" about having to use at least a Warmoth body or neck, and how there's no real prize, and how instruments are retired after winning.  Some stuff about what owner finished and Warmoth/Pro finished mean.

Everything that's there - in the Official Rules - is meant to make things as even and fair as possible for everyone, and discriminatory for what is hoped to be zero members of the forum. 

I gotta take a second to thank MAX too.  Folks, I'm an old fart.  My best asset, these days, is experience.  Max on the other hand, is more in tune with the goings on of a broad pallet of membership here.  Max and I (and sometimes Vic108) get together on my IRC channel, and BS on a semi regular basis.  From our conversations and "brain storming" sessions came a lot of insight.  So, Max, thanks for all your behind the scenes "been there done that" expertise.

BTW, the IRC channel is open to everyone to use - web accessible if you don't have a (free) IRC program.  I like IRC because you can chat and not have some company (AOL, MS, ICQ, etc etc... keeping logs and gathering information from every keystroke you enter - even the ones that you decide to erase!).  Everyone who wants to, feel free to visit.  Contact me in PM for details (to keep this thread clear).

I'm totally excited to have been a very small part of the refinement process.  I don't wanna speak for DMRACO, but I get the impression he has revitalized excitement as well.  So...... we got two more days, and then its "release the hounds!" (or submit the instruments for the contest)
=CB= said:
The only "real" change is procedural, as far as I can tell.  That is - instead of the submission pics to the forum, they get posted to an email address, which is uwfgom@gmail.com  (unofficial warmoth forum guitar of the month).

Some other little things - now its 1st-7th for submissions, no matter what day they fall on.  And 8th-14th for voting, no matter what day they fall on.  Doing it that way insures at least one full weekend, for the "weekend only" forum members.

There's a little "legalese" about having to use at least a Warmoth body or neck, and how there's no real prize, and how instruments are retired after winning.  Some stuff about what owner finished and Warmoth/Pro finished mean.

Everything that's there - in the Official Rules - is meant to make things as even and fair as possible for everyone, and discriminatory for what is hoped to be zero members of the forum.   

I'm totally excited to have been a very small part of the refinement process.  I don't wanna speak for DMRACO, but I get the impression he has revitalized excitement as well.   So...... we got two more days, and then its "release the hounds!" (or submit the instruments for the contest)

The other big difference that I see is this:

"Voting shall take place in a dedicated thread, in the GOM section of the Unofficial Warmoth Forum, and results will remain secret to voters and public until the expiration of the voting period."

I really like this.  If you go back and examine some of the voting, there are often times folks that open an account and join only to vote for one contest.  They have no other transactions on the forum...
I am not saying that they were necessarily rigged; I am just saying that it cast a shadow on the process. 

I like the new contest and thanks so much for all that have been involved in the past and future competition...
I really like the idea things have been more structured
I joined kinda late in the GOTM history, have been a member for 6 months or so, but really have enjoyed the contest and think it is among one of the reasons I have remained a member

ok guys you can blame me staying here on it and get rid of it now

But this contest is a great way for us to show off why we all like this site, and our efforts, If we would face it we are all just fulfilling a fantasy of being a guitar player and that is making your own guitar.

I want to thank everyone who is involved in this for the effort.

As a reminder - the February Guitar of the Month contest is in full swing.

Entries must be submitted before 2-8-11.... so get those axes shined up and cameras charged, and start clickin' it!