Golden Age Stewmac humbuckers? Anyone tried these?


Junior Member
Does anyone tried Stewmac's Golden Age humbucking?
They're very cheap, but how does these sound?

Ventolino  :headbang:
i have the overwound type in a  strat i have....... it sounds alright but it has sounded better when i had i seymour duncan jb.......
...overall its worth its price but it doesnet touch the jb
AFAIK, these are StewMac brand, made in house by them, and quality varies tremendously.
-CB- said:
AFAIK, these are StewMac brand, made in house by them, and quality varies tremendously.

Just a presumption, but I would seriously doubt if they made those pickups (or anything else) in house. I could be wrong.
I like StewMac for certain neat little tools,

and branded stuff like Switchcraft parts. They will skimp on certain things, they sold the bootleg Bill Lawrence pickups for years and they sell Fully-Finished Guitar Bodies with "spectacular quilted maple tops!" for only $195! Try and buy that at Warmoth....,_necks,_wood/Electric_guitar:_Bodies/Flametop-S_Rear-routed_Guitar_Bodies.html

I'm not a big believer in the idea that I need Jason Lollar or Greg Kinman to custom wind me my own personalized $350 pickups to play "Suzie-Q" better on, but pickups (and tuning pegs) are about the last place I'd try to skimp out.
"in house" for StewMac is like their Waverly tuners... not exactly "in house" but totally controlled, and all output theirs.

GA pickups are a StewMac item. 
-CB- said:
"in house" for StewMac is like their Waverly tuners... not exactly "in house" but totally controlled, and all output theirs.

GA pickups are a StewMac item.   

Imports maybe?
Sort of like "store brand" at any given supermarket, I would guess.
stubhead said:
I'm not a big believer in the idea that I need Jason Lollar or Greg Kinman to custom wind me my own personalized $350 pickups to play "Suzie-Q" better on, but pickups (and tuning pegs) are about the last place I'd try to skimp out.

Amen to that. When your dealing with Warmoth bodies and necks people who put budget PUs on there should be arrested! Seymour Duncans ain't that expensive and are the bare minimum of what Warmoth customers should be considering for their projects, they are on the whole superb, no excuses.