Give me feedback on my final examn - guitar

The Norwegian Guy

Hero Member
As some of you may know, I study music here in Norway, with guitar as my main instrument.
I had my final examn on monday, and I recorded the whole thing.

Here are two of the songs I played.

Bon Jovi - Bed Of Roses
note: the singer didn't have time to warm up before singing, so he didn't reach the high notes.

Iron Maiden - The Clansman
Didn't have someone to sing on it, so it's a bit boring before the solos begins.
I was extremely nervous, so i missed some places on the intro.
The fact that I didn't have a singer on this one, did that we screwed up at the end of the song.

I did also play Masterplan - Heroes, but I havent uploaded it yet.

I got the top grade on my preformance!
In norway, the grades are a scale from 1 to 6. 6 is the best you can get - and I got 6 :) woho!

What do you guys think? :) :guitaristgif: