


Senior Member
Okay, I want some opinions on this. It's got my rural interest peaked so much, I might have to give away the first $250-something from my new job for it!
solid Spruce body! The only guitar I've heard of having a spruce body is the Parker Fly Concert (?). What kind of neck would go with it? Standard Tele p/ups? WANTING
Interesting indeed. To tell the truth I don't think I have ever heard of a solid spruce electric guitar.  I know that it is the most widely used tone wood for acoustic guitar tops, and for fairly good reason, it is the everyman acoustic top, gives a little of what everybody thinks an acoustic should sound like, not too much of this not too much of that.  I don't know quite how that would translate to the electric world of solid guitars, but I do agree that it sure is a purty looking thing!
Just about my exact thoughts! I'm trying to imagine an acoust-ish tone from heavier strings, maybe even bronze acoustic strings.....
I would not put a maple neck on it. Something warmer, like canary or warmer yet. padouk? Or go the other way with a full pau ferro
i saw this guy on youtube that made a jackson rr out of spruce but decided to route out the center and put in a block of beech in to install every thing in.

Maybe I'm being stupid. But that doesn't look like spruce to me. I've never seen spruce with a grain pattern like that.

On an alphabetical drop-down list, spruce and swamp ash are mighty close to one another. Does anybody else feel like this might be a mistake?
nathan a said:
Maybe I'm being stupid. But that doesn't look like spruce to me. I've never seen spruce with a grain pattern like that.

On an alphabetical drop-down list, spruce and swamp ash are mighty close to one another. Does anybody else feel like this might be a mistake?

I was thinking that but if you check out the top on this Gibson Jazzer http://www.gibsoncustom.com/flash/products/archtops/L5CES/L5CES.html

Its similar colour wise. 
Soloshchenko said:
I was thinking that but if you check out the top on this Gibson Jazzer http://www.gibsoncustom.com/flash/products/archtops/L5CES/L5CES.html

Its similar colour wise. 

I don't really agree.. Well, I guess color-wise it is similar, but spruce always (including on that gorgeous jazz box) has those tight grain lines. Maybe its always being quartersawn for strength, since acoustic tops take a ****ing beating?

But regardless, I've never ever seen those darker assymettrical wavy swirling pattern. Honestly, I hope it is spruce, because that's the coolest figured spruce I've ever seen (besides what looks like mild flame on acoustic tops...)
Looks like swamp ash to me; if they're using CF form inputs to build these pages, could be a mistake as previously mentioned...

And being a solid slab, I don't think you'd get any 'acousticish" sound out of it....
Gregg Stewart said:
Typo. It's Swamp Ash.
How does sound Spruce?

Gregg, ask for the photographer take another pics of this:

I'm sure it's a stunning guitar, but those pics are a little stranger...
NonsenseTele said:
Gregg, ask for the photographer take another pics of this:

I'm sure it's a stunning guitar, but those pics are a little stranger...

I just took a look at that tele.  I can see how it would be somewhat difficult to capture all the detail.  Just be assured the top is very rich with good depth.  The back is pretty darned nice too!

Yee-owww!  That rosewood Tele is sure something to behold!  1000 bones for a body is a little out of my reach at present, but hot diggity!
A piece of Flame Brazilian Rosewood large enough to even do a bookmatched top is basically in the "name your price" category.... Unless we can get NoNonsense Tele to go poach some trees for us in Brazil and figure a way to bypass customs....
jackthehack said:
A piece of Flame Brazilian Rosewood large enough to even do a bookmatched top is basically in the "name your price" category.... Unless we can get NoNonsense Tele to go poach some trees for us in Brazil and figure a way to bypass customs....

Man! If I find some lumber like that, surely I would by and make some bodies!!!

(But actually, those beautifull woods always are sold to North America or Europe, you now, Dolars and Euros got more value than Reais [and you usually got more of them to use...] :icon_biggrin:)
Anyway, I'll search that!

For sure, this is a unique figuring wood! That's why I said to try to take better pics!