Gibson Guitar Company employee rating....


Epic Member
5,630 just published employee supplied ratings of workplace satisfaction, and Gibson Guitar is 5th from the bottom of the list... Curious?
Hmmm - my old Les Paul was crap - sounds like a new one might not be much better....
Dear god that's dismal.  Especially if you consider that working at Gibson SHOULD be a dream job... anyone would put up with a lot to work at Gibson and still be happy, so how on earth did they make their employees so pissed?
dbw said:
Dear god that's dismal.  Especially if you consider that working at Gibson SHOULD be a dream job... anyone would put up with a lot to work at Gibson and still be happy, so how on earth did they make their employees so pissed?
Not grant them severely discounted guitars for working for them.  :laughing7:

My friend has an uncle who worked Fender (I don't know what he did) and he got a few strats for my friend at squire price.
If only there was a Washington-based guitar parts company with great customer service and was a pleasure to work at...
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
Wana's_makin'_a_guitar said:
My friend has an uncle who worked Fender (I don't know what he did) and he got a few strats for my friend at squire price.

That is a sure fire way of getting a priviledge revoked.
What, Me posting this, or actually using the privilege?
haha, our old parent company made that list! unfortunately, I think that the one they sold us to last year, is waaaaaaaaaay worse.
dbw said:
Dear god that's dismal.  Especially if you consider that working at Gibson SHOULD be a dream job... anyone would put up with a lot to work at Gibson and still be happy, so how on earth did they make their employees so pissed?

LOL! Most jobs suck. That's why you get paid to do them!  :laughing7:
That's pretty funny actually. I almost worked for DHL (they are number 1 on the list). Glad I didn't....

Also-- why is Borders on the list? It's just a freaking bookstore?
When Henry took over Gibson, really "saved" Gibson, he came in like the college preppy arrogant horses rosette that he is.

#1.  In the beginning, Henry walks the floor, smashing guitars left and right, saying "THESE are not GIBSON GUITARS".  When the dust settled, it was recounted and recalled that Henry in fact smashed up most of a custom order from the 2nd largest Gibson account, simply "for effect" to prove a point.   The point was QUALITY must IMPROVE, whereas Quality had already improved, and what Henry really meant is that "quality shall get no worse, and you'll work your asses off to increase production to unreasonable limits, with fewer people doing more tasks".

#2.  Henry demotes or dismisses the majority of the old time skilled staff, in an effort to weed out the rotten eggs who have seen crap fly out the door that shouldn't.  Gibson's policy of "2" marked guitars has ended.   GIBSON DOES NOT PRODUCE SECONDS! is Henry's claim.  He is correct.  Instead they push mistakes and down right fubars out the door as firsts and "just deal with it".   The old time staff mostly migrates and navigates to Kalamazoo to produce The Heritage guitars, better than Gibson ever thought of doing in modern years.

#3.  In an effort to train, retrain, dominate, subjugate, and intimidate the local Nashville work force, Henry unleashes a torrent of sub par "models" for his crews to train on.

#4.  Henry instills the principle of forced price increases, with each one bearing some added benefit to The Company, in the way of reduced remuneration packages to the employees.  The die is cast - do a good job, get screwed by the ownership.

#5.  In an attempt to mirror CocaCola, Henry introduces the chambered Les Paul guitar.  The Les Paul is no longer a solid body guitar, but now its a thinline!  Yes in fact... its a thinline, and weighs under 7.5lbs for each model.   The backlash by long time customers begins - online and offline.  I myself predict that after one years time, the swiss cheeze Les Paul will return, or be offered as a model alternative.  I am proven correct, with the adoption of the Les Paul Traditional guitar.

#6.  Gibson is sold to a German outfit.  Henry retains local control, but is subject to "higher authority".  Once again, Gibson goes under the cloud of remote ownership and control....

BTW, Henry J sounds EXACTLY like Gump, Forest Gump.   Just search him on YouTube.
Anybody who works for someone else has probably heard the boss say "We need to do more with less". They never finish the sentence which ends "until we do nothing with nobody, then we will be at maximum efficiency". If you're a blue collar worker in the U.S. you've probably already felt the pain of such ignorance. I'm convinced that a majority of our CEO's and elected officials are near dysfunctional. I hope things change in 2009. Happy New Year!
"Also-- why is Borders on the list? It's just a freaking bookstore?"

They are closing a lot of stores and have most all employees cut back to part-time hours.
Gee =CB= that story you paint about Henry J. waltzing into the place and putting his foot down is in stark contrast to the press he got for 'saving' the company.

I have seen a few times, where a new management of a business think that the 'culture' of a company is one of the problems they have to address with the end result being the removal of some of the more experienced hands to the detriment of staff conditions of employment, because no one knows what pay they had previously been entitled to. Kinda like a way of removing any formidable opposition before having an election Zimbabwe style.

What does get me going however, is that people like Henry J. and others who have been to business college, got MBA etc. is that they had to undertake studies to get those degrees. Anyone who does management studies surely doesn't get told to strut around a new business like a dictator or get unnecessarily tough with those that actually produce the products the business is based on? There's whole books in Human Resource Management about the 'excellence' style of management of employees and plenty of research data that indicates that a happy workplace and employee engagement and involvement in most important decisions is preferable to have. Then they take over a business and completely ignore those things they have studied and worry more about the bottom line and reporting to stakeholders.... :sad: