Bad Tone...
Good Tone...
The best place to start though (yes, I'm finally offering something worthwhile to the thread) is your own experience. All the youtube vids, books, heresay etc won't inform you like you can by just trying stuff out. Tone is 40% the gear and 60% your fingers, it's why some guitarists are instantly recognisable regardless of what gear their running through. It's true what they say about Tube vs. Solid State, tube will always win in my opinion. That doesn't mean a solid state amp can't sound good, but tubes just have something special. I'm also convinced that you don't need a '59 les paul and an array of dumble and old fender amps to get a good tone. You want quality for sure, but it doesn't need to be pricey. My final point is one that will echo around these boards forever.... get ready for some serious GAS :icon_biggrin: