Gecko 5 bass thru body. Need strings, tried several sets that don't reach

What are you guys using?  I've tried several sets of strings, even some that are supposed to be "super long" but they won't reach if I run them thru body.

Do the ones for sale by warmoth reach thru body or just if you hook them into the bridge on the topside?


I've been using D'Addario XL strings with most of my Geckos.  The "super-long" sets work just fine with the Takeuchi bridge, even when I run them through the body.

The D'Addario ProSteels (sold by Warmoth) should work as well.  I prefer the tone and feel of the XLs.  I tried a set of long-scale (not super-long) ProSteels a few years back (attached to the bridge, not through-body) and they kinda grated on my ears.
I've gone through a few sets that should fit, but just barely do...even from the bridge.  I just keep forgetting that it's a bigger scale instrument than I used to play. I've gone back to the ProSteels sold through Warmoth for now, they fit wonderfully.