
GAS Alert!!!!

Glad I waited a bit for a new Soloist body because I just snagged this new one in the showcase!

Dang, it's been over two weeks since anyone's posted anything here. 

This came up today on the RSS feed and it's one sweet, sexy partI could see it equipped with a NFT Floyd, a single cream humbucker, cream volume knob, and a no-inlay black-ebony-on-maple Warhead neck.  But hey, that's just me.



Bagman67 said:
Dang, it's been over two weeks since anyone's posted anything here. 

This came up today on the RSS feed and it's one sweet, sexy partI could see it equipped with a NFT Floyd, a single cream humbucker, cream volume knob, and a no-inlay black-ebony-on-maple Warhead neck.  But hey, that's just me.



Just never quite warmed up to that shape, to me it feels a bit forced, maybe why.... :dontknow:
Yeah, I'm hoping that it has more to do with social media eclipsing traditional internet forums than the guitar parts business tanking. I'm trying to convince my family and friends that email will do everything social media does without the ads. But my wife still insists on facebook messaging me stuff that she should email in the first place. 
Interesting - I think I like it, but I'm not sure. Definitely unique - almost looks like some of Great Ape's indian themed wood burnings:

I don't like it at first blush, but I suspect if you put a pickguard and some hardware on it, it's character would change quite a bit.
Exactly. But, I'm hoping somebody with more patience with Photoshop than I have populates the thing with hardware to see how that changes it.
swarfrat said:
Interesting - I think I like it, but I'm not sure...

I like it, I'm glad they rear routed it. I would use no pickguard, vol/tone/3-way strat style and the smallest bridge to preserve the looks and make it aesthetically unFender.
