
GAS Alert!!!!

Economics my friend. $900 ish for a Gecko narrow 5 string P-bass in exotic woods, or..

Marital Counselling @ $65/hr + Attorneys at $God knows how much/hr.

Not to mention the opportunity costs ... I coulda bought an Eleven Rack, power amp, and built an Eminence Beta-12CX cab for it for a lot less than that.
I see the Stump-Rot  arists are getting pretty good at the craft:

That's a pretty body. But, that "Stump Out" stuff is about as useless as using ferret piss as a concrete remover. I suspect the only reason it sells is wishful thinking. Whoever "invented" it must laugh all the way to bank every week.
I still think that's how we get industrial quantities of pretty rotted wood from people who would normally discard rotted wood because its, well rotted. (Its a danger to the rest of your stock if you're a lumber yard)
Great Ape said:
Wait a minute!! You mean ferret piss doesn't work?!? Guess I found out just in time...

That's precisely what I mean. Now, honey badger piss, that's a different story. They take badassery to a whole new level, and their piss could eat through the containment dome of your typical nuclear power plant.
Moderate sidebump, I have also had great fortune with the Sperzel tuner people drilling out guitar tuners for some bigger (.068"? .056"?) strings. It's not at all a good idea to drill out locking tuners if you can't get them apart and account for where the shrapnel goes. And they're not some monolithic Three Initial Corporation (TIC). Like, when you telephone T.I.C. you get some phone bank in Indonesia, and when you call Sperzel, you get... well maybe not Mrs. Sperz, but the next person you talk to after her is the engineer who'll be drilling them out for you. And you can get them direct from the factory at reasonable prices, and it was... gee I think I remember it was another $7 apiece to drill them out? Somewhere around there, it wasn't bad at all. I mean I like Gotohs and Schallers and Hipshots too (even good Pings!), there's not really much more engineering that can be done to them (don't tell TIC I said that. :o)
Nah. It's pretty, but I was just continuing the Ray Stevens allusion. I'm not really into the hog, at least for necks. If I want a warm, middy neck it's not going to be made of spaghetti and won't require a finish.  It's also not on the short list of things which could tempt me at the moment. Eventually I want that baritone. Still not sure what it looks like though.

Good Lord. This isn't a "Fixer-up Special", this is a "Fixer-up Wet Dream!"


Scalloped 24-fret ebony board with what look like beautifully-crowned, untouched monster frets (6000's?), fretless ebony bass board, necks are three-piece maple-through body.... never heard of them, but I dug 'em up:


Canadians. It's missing all the electronics out of the back, pots & such. That kind of thing likely had active doo-dahs, I remember the times... I bet it'd be just fine passive. But I can't possibly justify trying to sell a bunch of stuff too cheap too fast to get up a bid which might not work, leaving me with a too-little gob of forlorn cash and no stuff. :sad1: It's obviously a sit-down piece (for a man of my vertebrae) but dagnab, that's about as close to a ridiculous dream-run-wild piece of gear, if your dreams tend towards X-tra-crucial attention towards intonation, as do mine. Some lucky sucker....

Prometheus said:
Yup. Damned Canadians, eh? Thinkin' we can build guitars.

Yep.  Those Damn Canadians.  Building cool gear and stuff all the freaking time.  Must be compensating for winter or something...

Holy Schmoly Batman! I'm not really a fan of uncolored tops, nor much of a fan of Mahogany, but this?? WOW!
Yeah, that could turn into something delicious. Not likely you'd ever see such a thing on the wall at your local "Fiddles-R-Us". details