
fun with paint


Junior Member

here is what I am working on. I have finally settled for what I am doing on my build. One more month an I get everything together.
when I actually have it pinstriped, I will give the painter "artistic interpitation" with this as a guideline.
warcripp said:
it is a mock up.... anal much? :) I just google'd pinstriping images

No, he just has a passing familiarity with what guitars should look like. Although, you gotta watch him close. He even puts Floyds on his potatoes... <grin>

You might want to play around with this "Virtual Guitar Builder". You can goof around for months making one guitar after another using various woods, hardware, pickups, body styles, finishes, etc. and they look surprisingly similar to real guitars. Comes in handy for plotting and planning.
Cagey said:
warcripp said:
it is a mock up.... anal much? :) I just google'd pinstriping images

No, he just has a passing familiarity with what guitars should look like. Although, you gotta watch him close. He even puts Floyds on his potatoes... <grin>

You might want to play around with this "Virtual Guitar Builder". You can goof around for months making one guitar after another using various woods, hardware, pickups, body styles, finishes, etc. and they look surprisingly similar to real guitars. Comes in handy for plotting and planning.
I am set on this one. playing with kisekae any more will just get me in more trouble.
Cagey said:
warcripp said:
it is a mock up.... anal much? :) I just google'd pinstriping images

No, he just has a passing familiarity with what guitars should look like. Although, you gotta watch him close. He even puts Floyds on his potatoes... <grin>

You might want to play around with this "Virtual Guitar Builder". You can goof around for months making one guitar after another using various woods, hardware, pickups, body styles, finishes, etc. and they look surprisingly similar to real guitars. Comes in handy for plotting and planning.

I just tried your link and it can't be found.  I thought it might be fun to play around there for a bit.  javascript:void(0);
The link is good. Are you running NoScript or Adblocker or some other sort of filtering utility? If so, you may need to review what it's doing. I'm running Firefox on Linux with both of those blockers as well as a healthy hosts file and iptables, and it's fine with it. Usually, it's all pretty damned strict and bitches up a storm if something tries to play games. I hardly get to hear anybody's clips here as a result, because they use those "free" services that are just glorified server-side spyware.
anorakDan said:
Cagey said:
warcripp said:
it is a mock up.... anal much? :) I just google'd pinstriping images

No, he just has a passing familiarity with what guitars should look like. Although, you gotta watch him close. He even puts Floyds on his potatoes... <grin>

You might want to play around with this "Virtual Guitar Builder". You can goof around for months making one guitar after another using various woods, hardware, pickups, body styles, finishes, etc. and they look surprisingly similar to real guitars. Comes in handy for plotting and planning.

I just tried your link and it can't be found.  I thought it might be fun to play around there for a bit.  javascript:void(0);

just google kisekae. you will find it on the first link.