
fretboard inlays

nathan a

Hero Member
How about the option of only a 12th fret inlay (probably at extra cost, I imagine)?

It always looks so clean and slick - although the standard two dots wouldn't cut it... I'm not sure what design exactly people might actually be interested in, perhaps warmoth could even come up with some sort of warmoth-ish design?

All i know is, 12th fret inlay only = the shit.
I would like to see a XII ( roman numeral 12 ) for the 12th fret, like on the Epiphone Goth, for my next build.
r1922r said:
I would like to see a XII ( roman numeral 12 ) for the 12th fret, like on the Epiphone Goth, for my next build.

Sick. My love for 12th fret inlays comes from my acoustics - they're various alvarezes and yairis, and all have just a wonderfully simple diagonal abalone inlay.
That's a very interesting idea,  I saw a KWS neck last week with no inlay or dots at all on the fretboard, It had side dots, which i would still want.

Anyway, as a big fan of neat clean and no clutter, that KWS neck was awesome looking, Someone got it before me. 

I remember a while back, that Warmoth did a run of Maple/Pau Ferro Stratocaster necks that had a skull and crossbones twelth fret inlay only.  It looked pretty wicked, but didn't fit the color scheme for my build, so I passed.

I think thay also did a run of twelth fret only necks just recently (since the beginning of the year).  They had single block, diamond, and star inlays if I remember correctly.

I don't know why Warmoth doesn't have thinked about a turtleshell in the 12th fret... I'm thinking in make in the neck of my Tele...
In m y first experience in guitar building, I made a PRS birds inlay... I'm a little freak about... :laughing3:
dudesweet157 said:
I think thay also did a run of twelth fret only necks just recently (since the beginning of the year).  They had single block, diamond, and star inlays if I remember correctly.


Huh, I don;t know how i missed them. That sounds like it could look great.

NonsenseTele said:
I don't know why Warmoth doesn't have thinked about a turtleshell in the 12th fret...

Best idea ever. I would be all over that.
If I do it in the neck of the Tele, I'll post a pic...
I'm between MOP dots with 12th turtleshell (made by myself, this time) and Gibby trapezoid...

Gregg Stewart said:
Wow. That is a great idea. I like the Roman numerals too, but that turtleshell.....hmmmmm........ 

If this idea become alive, I want royalities!!!!
(It's a joke! :laughing3:)
I've always assumed you could get just a 12th fret marker.

We do not offer totally custom 'design it yourself' type inlay services. To maintain affordability, we stick to the designs in the following pictures. Yes, we can mix some of the inlay patterns and we can omit some positions… for example, we can do the Skull & Cross Bones at the 12th fret only or double a diamond at the 12th, etc.
Alfang said:
Yo NonsenseTele That's a great Idea a turtle shell inlay. I like the way you think


Thank you John!!
I wait for the day that I can build 20% of what I think!!
Then I'll be able to live only building guitars! :icon_biggrin:
I'd like to see what this "Turtle Shell" would look like. A whole turtle I can imagine, but just the shell kind'a stumps me.
I love the idea of a 12th fret inlay only. The XII would look great. I also like the skull & crossbones, although i think it would look much cleaner if the bones were omited, and just the skull were left on the 12th fret.
I would get a neck with Roman Numerals on all the frets: I,  III,  V,  VII,  IX,  XII,  XV,  XVII,  XIX,  XXI...... that would be bad@$$
Carter M said:
I would get a neck with Roman Numerals on all the frets: I,  III,  V,  VII,  IX,  XII,  XV,  XVII,  XIX,  XXI...... that would be bad@$$

Jason Becker had a cool Peavey custom strat with numbers on the fretboard. Jackson & Charvel have produced limited versions of this guitar.
How about:

P | R | E | S | S | H | E | R | E

I can't count to 12 fast enough that having the numbers on my fretboard would serve any purpose... Roman numerals would be still worse. Anyway, my own neck is so stiff that I can't look at the fingerboard anyway so I prefer to just leave it blank. Just side markers.

A nice inlay at the 12th fret would be cool, though. Maybe I'll order my next neck sans the frets so I can inlay my own design. I don't feel like ripping out the frets from a new neck. Maybe Warmoth could have an option to not install the frets around the 12th and just ship along a few lenghts of the correct fret wire.

That's like a Sesame Street guitar. Love the gloves too - wonder if he could shred with them on. Gotta love the 80's. :party07: :headbang1: