Its not fradulent. I'm the guitar player for Dave Koz, the listing fees don't matter to me, I've got more money than I can spend. The guitar is a Warmoth, but I took Warmoth out of the entire auction since so many novice amateur musicians were having problems with that. Whoever wins this guitar will be given a huge blessing because they will be getting a $1000 guitar for maybe $100. I do understand your vigilance in naming "fradulent" auctions, but this isn't one of them. Thank you for your question.
- helgeson5150
Is this guy insane? I really think he may be mentally ill.
he said that in response to this
Why do you keep posting Fraudulent listings for this guitar? doesn't that cost you a lot of money each time you relist?
and I replied with
No, Ken Warmoth of Warmoth guitars flat out told us that he did not build this guitar. SO you are telling me its Still a Warmoth... If that was true then NOW you are lying. and not even lying well. why?
now, ken didn't flat out tell us. but I figure if he bold face lies, I am allowed to stretch the truth.