Found a good deal on Gotoh GB7 tuners!


Junior Member

I saw this guy's auctions up on ebay, and emailed him to see if I could get 5 inline GB7 tuners in standard chrome (the auction he had up at the time was for four satin chrome machines).  He replied right away and said he'd send me a PayPal invoice.  I paid $27.25 shipped for five brand new Gotoh GB7 tuners, as opposed to the $55 I would've had to pay had I ordered from a place like Stew-Mac.  I got them in the mail yesterday, and all is well.

Now I just have to wait to buy the neck I want... and finish the body I have... and get the other hardware... and the electronics...
Now I just have to wait to buy the neck I want... and finish the body I have... and get the other hardware... and the electronics...

Ya gotta start somewhere.  For my first Warmoth build,  I bought a showcase body because it had all the attributes I was looking for and it seemed like a good deal.  Then, a few months later bought some pickups.  Then a few months later all the misc. hardware.  Then...well, you get the idea.  From start to finish was somewhere in the neighborhood of nine months.  I feel your pain, my man.  Anyway, sounds like you scored a pretty good deal, and that is at least a small victory.