
Football Follies... ?


Hero Member
Even all those laterals at the end of the game couldn't save dem Cowboys...  :icon_jokercolor:

SKOL!  :icon_thumright:
I wouldn't get too excited.  You still beat a 1-3 team that penaltied themselves to death.  If the rest of your games are against Dallas, then you've got it made.  The Dallas defense was Minnesota's MVP.
Go Aberdeen!

Fast kickin,. low scorin! I love Boriaga!

I though WIlly was from North Kilttown?

You want to see some follies, just look at the Vikings O line.  It's like they though every play was a screen.

Favre's arm must be hurting him bad.  I don't recall him throwing the ball deep at all.

At least the half-time entertainment was fun.  Mascots versus pee-wee's.  One of the mascots was the Jack-Links Jerky Sasquach.  The mascots don't go easy on the kids either.  Is it wrong to laugh at a 4th grade kid get de-cleated by a guy in a bird costume?
Willy's origins are nondescript.  He once described his accent as being different than another accent, implying his origin.  He has yelled, "Go Aberdeen!"
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
I wouldn't get too excited.  You still beat a 1-3 team that penaltied themselves to death.  If the rest of your games are against Dallas, then you've got it made.  The Dallas defense was Minnesota's MVP.

D0000000d - this was the "Desperation Bowl"... where the winner gets a boost and hopes to make it to the playoffs, and the
loser gets sucked down into his loser hole where he remains eternally loserly.

(yeah I copped that last bit from a Hanz n Franz skit)
i heard it called the "Doomsday Bowl" a few times on the NFL Network because whoever lost was basically finished

and to be completely honest i don't think either excessive celebration penalty called on the cowboys was really warranted. the No Fun League officials strike again.
Superlizard said:
Even all those laterals at the end of the game couldn't save dem Cowboys...   :icon_jokercolor:

SKOL!   :icon_thumright:
Well, even the fabulous weenie wrangler Bret Favre and Moss' sore fajina can get the vikes to the SuperBowl...Remember Favre has been in the NFL 20 yrs and has one Superbowl showing, most of the Cowboys line up were still in diapers 20 yrs ago when Favre started...We got plenty of time... :icon_thumright:
One factor that I'm seeing is that, unless Jerry decides to be apathetic about the whole thing, Wade's not going to be back next year. Anyone have any educated guesses on who would be a good replacement?  Personally, I'd like to see one man from my alma mater be a finalist for the job--Steve Mariucci. Northern Michigan University also lays claim to being the alma mater of Lloyd Carr and Jerry Glanville. Lloyd, maybe not so bad, but Jerry?  If Glanville becomes the next coach, be prepped with your tape recorders for the sound bits.
I don't see Jerry firing Wade, altho we need a coach with an attitude, Jerry's not going to hire someone that will buck up to him... :dontknow:
DangerousR6 said:
I don't see Jerry firing Wade, altho we need a coach with an attitude, Jerry's not going to hire someone that will buck up to him... :dontknow:

I hear Denny Green is looking for a job! :toothy12:
DangerousR6 said:
Superlizard said:
Even all those laterals at the end of the game couldn't save dem Cowboys...   :icon_jokercolor:

SKOL!   :icon_thumright:
Well, even the fabulous weenie wrangler Bret Favre and Moss' sore fajina can get the vikes to the SuperBowl...Remember Favre has been in the NFL 20 yrs and has one Superbowl showing, most of the Cowboys line up were still in diapers 20 yrs ago when Favre started...We got plenty of time... :icon_thumright:
Brett went to the superbowl twice.  TD is the one that showed up though.
pabloman said:
DangerousR6 said:
Superlizard said:
Even all those laterals at the end of the game couldn't save dem Cowboys...   :icon_jokercolor:

SKOL!   :icon_thumright:
Well, even the fabulous weenie wrangler Bret Favre and Moss' sore fajina can get the vikes to the SuperBowl...Remember Favre has been in the NFL 20 yrs and has one Superbowl showing, most of the Cowboys line up were still in diapers 20 yrs ago when Favre started...We got plenty of time... :icon_thumright:
Brett went to the superbowl twice.  TD is the one that showed up though.
Ohhhhhhh, well excuse me, he made it twice...Well he only won one...In 20yrs....I'm impressed....NOT
superbowl wins are ridiculously overrated when people talk about the "greatest of all time" in any position. especially quarterback. dan marino is the classic example. excellent quarterback, no superbowl wins. does that mean he wasn't a great quarterback? **** no it doesn't. i hate it when people bring up superbowl wins when talking about careers. you need 50+ people to win one, don't put all the weight on a single player.