
Floyd Rose Non-Fine Tuner Recessed rout... want one make it happen...


Mythical Status
So if you want one of these. We are looking for a small number of people willing to invest in a body...

double A said:
stratamania said:
guitarman said:
Would be a nice addition to the existing range!

What's the status???

No new news, apart from in another thread it was mentioned that it would be discussed at a W HQ meeting. No idea what the outcome was.

I have plead your case. I have stood before the Warmoth high council, and invoked the names of Guthrie Govan and Brad Willis. I stand before you today to deliver the result.
Warmoth has decided to place the power in the hands of the people....AKA, crowdsourcing.

If you can get five people to commit to buying a body with this rout - by paying for it in advance - we will program the rout and offer it as an off-menu option. One person would also have to be willing to lend us their bridge while we do the programming. We would return it with the body, of course.

The cost would be the price of whatever body you choose, plus an extra $45 for the custom bridge rout.

If you are not sure why you want one of these the problem is even with locking tuners, a well-cut nut etc, a string can still slip at the bridge and the result is pitch movement and tuning going out.

So if you want a bridge that locks at the bridge and stays in tune this is what is possible to do with this bridge.


Or discussed here at 6:45


So if you would like a Warmoth body with a recessed rout to put in one of these fine devices sign up to this thread and help make it a reality...

OK guys, since this is an extremely unusual approach for Warmoth to take when considering a new offering, we have to set some ground rules. Here is how we will proceed:

  • At the current time, we are NOT taking orders for this. DO NOT go to our website and try to order a body with this bridge rout. DO NOT call or email our sales department and try to order this.
  • Instead, you must clearly post your intention to order in this thread. By doing so, you are verbally committing your money to this project. You will be expected to place a real order immediately when it is announced that we are ready to begin. At that time, if any of the five do not follow through with their order, the project will be cancelled. In that case, money would of course be refunded to those who had already placed their orders.
  • We need five people to commit in this thread by July 1, 2018. If it hasn’t happened by then, that indicates to us that the necessary demand is not there for this option. After that date we will no longer consider this project.
  • To be absolutely clear, this is the bridge we are talking about: https://floydrose.com/collections/tremolos/products/frtnft?variant=6605134037019
I don't speak for Warmoth, but I can't see why they wouldn't want to have their product promoted in a marketplace of highly-focused buyers. As has been pointed out, they're trying to see if there's actually any demand for this particular configuration. Where better to find that out than on one of the busiest and most highly-populated guitar-centric forums extant? The real question is whether TGP would allow it, and even that's pretty straightforward. Presented properly, it could happen automatically. Post a message looking for a manufacturer of bodies configured for that bridge, let somebody answer pointing out the current situation here, and Poof! People will either respond or they won't. No harm, no foul, no cost.

The Internet. It's a thing  :laughing7:
I had a couple of early 80's Kramers with the non fine tuners and loved them. Seems to me when they added the fine tuners, things got more difficult keeping in tune. But we learn to adapt and overcome. But I agree with Cagey, free advertising is always a plus. :dontknow:
Advertise and promote wherever you want, but this thread must be the epicenter that everyone is drawn to. Gotta commit in this thread.

One other thing: you should be prepared for it to take longer than normal to get your body after paying for it.

I'm not trying to discourage anyone. I just want to make sure expectations are realistic. It's gonna take time to get this rout programmed.
Needs to be five people.

I know a compelling argument could be made against that decision, but that's what we're going with. We don't want this thing to turn into some Byzantine quagmire. Let's just keep it simple: five people.
double A said:
Needs to be five people.

I know a compelling argument could be made against that decision, but that's what we're going with. We don't want this thing to turn into some Byzantine quagmire. Let's just keep it simple: five people.

No problem, just wanted to clarify it in case it got asked.
double A said:
Needs to be five people.

I know a compelling argument could be made against that decision, but that's what we're going with. We don't want this thing to turn into some Byzantine quagmire. Let's just keep it simple: five people.

I used to be in a band called Byzantine Quagmire.
Really? I think I've heard of you guys! Didn't your lead singer used to be the guitar player in Lush On A Leash?  :headbanging: Or am I thinking of somebody else?
So are DoubleA and TenThumbs in?

Just the thing for releasing your inner Matthias  :icon_thumright:
Not me I'm afraid, I'm not planning a build anytime soon unless something surprising happens.

FWIW, if I was planning a build that's the bridge rout I would want, and I really hope it gets added to the list of options.