
Floyd Rose Bridge screw Installation


I am building a frankenstrat with a floyd rose system. The face of the guitar is routerd for the floyd rose system but not counter sunk. I am using the wood screws for the bridge anchor. My question is that when the screws are in, the bridge plate seems high off the face of guitar. With the guitar nit being counter sunk, do I need to counter sink in these bolts .
How high should plate be off face of guitar.
My guitar body is as seen in pic and the screws are in the other pic
My floyd rose sits up the distance from the top of the screw to the tread, maybe 1/4 inch or so. To flat mount like EVH, do I need to counter sink the screw or is there something else to use.


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Is there a reason you can't just drive the screws in a little deeper? It would be helpful to see a picture of the installation.

In any event, I normally float bridges about 1/8" up, although I rarely use Floyds if I have a choice. Downside to that is you don't get the range of travel that Floyds are known for. I don't know for sure how EVH set up his bridges, but listening to what he does I don't think he let them bottom out on the body. Usually, that trick is reserved for old Fender 6 point bridges that won't stay in tune due to poor mechanical design.
If you're going to countersink the bolts, then why not ditch them and drill the body for proper bridge inserts? In the long run, those screws are an inferior substitute for inserts.
Two points: i do remember reading that Van Halen does have his trem bottomed out, in other word no upward pull. To make those "rising" howls he pushes down the bar with the guitar's volume down, then lets the bar up while he's turning the volume with his pinky.
2) I don't know where you got your Floyd, but a lot of times - (rather weirdly) - a company will make or sell a nice product but then throw in some screws I wouldn't build a doghouse out of. Even if I hated the dog...

If the screws are bottomed out already - end of hole - you could deepen the hole a little with a bit that's smaller than the threads already cut, and then countersink a bit too. Floyd Rose themselves sell screws that look a little different than those:

Jemsite is a website that's sort-of centered around Ibanei, but they have the most comprehensive Floyd information regarding setup and such:

I didn't know you even could use screw posts in this day and age, except when Fender uses six of them. It seems kind of... barbaric. :o The saving grace is that if they do go yoinky, you can find somebody with a drill press and replace them with posts in about 6 minutes. 

I strongly advise using inserts (I didn't even know you could get the inferior screws anymore!)

You can have them fully seated and still adjust the height of the interior screw with those.
Even all of the EVH branded guitars currently in production, all the way back to EVH's association with EB/MM, the above posted stud inserts have been used.

The only reason that the wood screw type were used on the Frankenstrat is that those were the only ones available when he dropped a Floyd on there some 30+ years ago.