Well, after a bit of a worrying time, I finally got my body.
It got to the UK within two days but then "appeared" to be stuck in customs for what seemed like forever. Despite lots of chasing it was everything from lost to still in customs to it was rejected by customs. In the end it turns out it was at my local depot all the time and was about to be shipped back to Warmoth! The bar code was damaged and somebody manually entered an incorrect digit, making it untraceable. It was found by an amazing man at my local parcelforce depot who spent a whole hour after he finished work looking through the whole depot for it just in case it was there - and it was - he was so convinced it wouldn't be, but I owe him big time! Even Warmoth were about to refund me (which I was dreading as this was a unique choice top).
Anyway, here is some wood porn...
and with some shielding paint, and a few thin layers of tru-oil once I sanded and sealed it etc:
and the mahogany rear (will be using foil in the control cavity as well):
The photos are not great and don't do it justice - in the flesh that top has such an amazing 3D quality to it. I am going to sand back a little, do a few more coats of tru-oil and repeat until I am happy!
Then there is the neck, which I asked for recommendations on here (again massive thanks for all the advice and opinion!)
In the end I have gone for a Pau Ferro shaft with a black ebony fretboard - cost a fair bit as it was a total custom order (but I know it is going to be worth every penny...stainless steel frets of course Should be here in the next 2-3 weeks hopefully and I am going to burnish that like there is no tomorrow!
It got to the UK within two days but then "appeared" to be stuck in customs for what seemed like forever. Despite lots of chasing it was everything from lost to still in customs to it was rejected by customs. In the end it turns out it was at my local depot all the time and was about to be shipped back to Warmoth! The bar code was damaged and somebody manually entered an incorrect digit, making it untraceable. It was found by an amazing man at my local parcelforce depot who spent a whole hour after he finished work looking through the whole depot for it just in case it was there - and it was - he was so convinced it wouldn't be, but I owe him big time! Even Warmoth were about to refund me (which I was dreading as this was a unique choice top).
Anyway, here is some wood porn...
and with some shielding paint, and a few thin layers of tru-oil once I sanded and sealed it etc:
and the mahogany rear (will be using foil in the control cavity as well):
The photos are not great and don't do it justice - in the flesh that top has such an amazing 3D quality to it. I am going to sand back a little, do a few more coats of tru-oil and repeat until I am happy!
Then there is the neck, which I asked for recommendations on here (again massive thanks for all the advice and opinion!)
In the end I have gone for a Pau Ferro shaft with a black ebony fretboard - cost a fair bit as it was a total custom order (but I know it is going to be worth every penny...stainless steel frets of course Should be here in the next 2-3 weeks hopefully and I am going to burnish that like there is no tomorrow!