
Fixing neck pocket

I've seen it done; haven't done it myself. But, you can cut the pocket some more in such a way as to allow you to glue in another piece of wood, then rout the pocket to the proper size and sand the entry points to match the existing contours. It's highly effective if you're going to put an opaque finish on the body. But, if you're planning on a dye or transparent finish, the repair will show. Also, if the body is already finished, repairing the finish may be a pain in the shorts.
Nicholasdaniel said:
There is a small gap in the neck pocket i cut out myself for my guitar is there any way i can fix it?

How 'small' is small?  Are we talking feeler gauge small, or are we talking 1/4" small?  I would say anything under the thickness of a guitar pick isn't worth your time to fix. 

You can also use epoxy to fix a very small gap.

On a different note, I just looked out my window as the sun is finally up and on May 9 2010 it's freakin snowing in Penna.  Freakin snow!!  On Mother's Day!!
Nicholasdaniel said:
A heavy sized pick. And I haven't finished so mayb that will help lessen the gap

Honestly I wouldn't worry about it unless you notice it effecting your tone...