
first jazzmaster build. few questions

Stew said:
Following on from jalane's recommendation of Curtis Novak pickups, I like what he and Andy Rothstein are doing with prewired Jazzmaster pickguards: http://www.guitar-mod.com/rg_jm_cat5.html  :icon_thumright:

Yes, I have stumbled upon Curtis Novak's site and the pre wired pickguards are innovative and credit for the effort.... the photos of the wiring looks top quality.  :icon_thumright:

But on the one you linked,  I dislike those switches in between the 2 pickups, it's a mistake waiting to happen with your strumming.

And while this is only a thought, a similar effect could be attained if you got a hotly wound bridge JM pickup and employed a Bill Lawrence Q-Filter on the tone pot for that pickup. Winding back the tone pot with the Q Filter would lower the inductance of the pickup, creating the effect of reducing coils on the wind....it would be worth the $20 (approx) = postage, for the Q Filter to see if that worked first before committing to the pre wired pickguard.
Aussie Pete said:
... it's a mistake waiting to happen with your strumming.

... maybe with YOUR strumming  :laughing7:  :o

Only jokin' Pete ... actually I'd never really looked at it close enough but you're right, there's a good chance it could get ... messy!!
I'm just an option junky ... love the idea of being able to dial in lots of sounds at the guitar ... let alone what you can add with pedals and amps  :icon_biggrin:
The curtis/rothstein guards looked topnotch. I was considering getting the wide range jm guard from them for a future project, but I did more research and found that it won't fit on a Warmoth JM. The Warmoth JM guard is a different shape to work with a variety of bridges. You may have to go with USAGC or an american fender for the body to use a curtis/rothstein guard.
Stew said:
Aussie Pete said:
... it's a mistake waiting to happen with your strumming.

... maybe with YOUR strumming  :laughing7:  :o

Only jokin' Pete ... actually I'd never really looked at it close enough but you're right, there's a good chance it could get ... messy!!
I'm just an option junky ... love the idea of being able to dial in lots of sounds at the guitar ... let alone what you can add with pedals and amps  :icon_biggrin:

LOL, no need to joke - my technique is hamfisted at best!  :sad:

But a bit of energetic strumming by the best technician amongst us, could strike those switches accidentally. Not sure how high they would sit off the pickguard, but if Novak/Rothstein are doing their engineering properly - & it looks like they are: the wiring  underneath looks very well done - they'd inset those switches as low as you can get them, almost flush to the pickguard itself I'd say.

rockskate4x said:
The curtis/rothstein guards looked topnotch. I was considering getting the wide range jm guard from them for a future project, but I did more research and found that it won't fit on a Warmoth JM. The Warmoth JM guard is a different shape to work with a variety of bridges. You may have to go with USAGC or an american fender for the body to use a curtis/rothstein guard.
Oh - that puts a bummer on the proposal, those pickguards look well made. Couldn't get the made up Novak/Rothstein and transplant the wiring etc. onto a Warmoth JM pickguard? :icon_scratch:
rockskate4x said:
The curtis/rothstein guards looked topnotch. I was considering getting the wide range jm guard from them for a future project, but I did more research and found that it won't fit on a Warmoth JM. The Warmoth JM guard is a different shape to work with a variety of bridges. You may have to go with USAGC or an american fender for the body to use a curtis/rothstein guard.

Hmmm ... it appears that Andy Rothstein gets his pickguards from Warmoth so it should fit  :icon_scratch:
:doh: ... and then I see this in the JM prewired section:
We offer a variety of pickguards, and the most popular choice seems to be Tortoise. We carry 2 varieties of Tortoise pickguards. One made by Fender which will retrofit into any USA Fender Jazzmaster. The other is made by (or at least packaged by) Allparts and will retrofit into any import (MIM / MIJ) Jazzmaster.

... 'spose the best thing to do would be call/email. I'd think if they are getting pickguards from Warmoth they could wire up a JM one if you asked :dontknow:
Not that anyone is asking  :laughing7:
Stew said:
:doh: ... and then I see this in the JM prewired section:
We offer a variety of pickguards, and the most popular choice seems to be Tortoise. We carry 2 varieties of Tortoise pickguards. One made by Fender which will retrofit into any USA Fender Jazzmaster. The other is made by (or at least packaged by) Allparts and will retrofit into any import (MIM / MIJ) Jazzmaster.

... 'spose the best thing to do would be call/email. I'd think if they are getting pickguards from Warmoth they could wire up a JM one if you asked :dontknow:
Not that anyone is asking  :laughing7:

Warmoth seem to do the Strat pickguards for Rothstein but not the JMs..

It will also depend on what type of trem or bridge you put on your JM project, as to what pickguard Warmoth will need to cut.....Warmoth do make it very clear in their JM Pickguard section that their pickguards won't retrofit onto Fender JMs..


Notice the difference in the pickguards at the bridge area?  :icon_thumright:

yes the bridge idea is exactly what I'm talking about. Warmoth may supply the guards for rothstein, but roth ain't making the guards for warmoth bodies. He's making them for fender spec jazzmasters. Not only is the normal Warmoth one different in the bridge cut, but pickup locations have also been bumped slightly from fenders specs so that the cnc can use the same location for jm pickup, humbuggy, or strat pickup etc...
rockskate4x said:
yes the bridge idea is exactly what I'm talking about. Warmoth may supply the guards for rothstein, but roth ain't making the guards for warmoth bodies. He's making them for fender spec jazzmasters. Not only is the normal Warmoth one different in the bridge cut, but pickup locations have also been bumped slightly from fenders specs so that the cnc can use the same location for jm pickup, humbuggy, or strat pickup etc...

I see ... you'd have to think the Andy Rothstein would wire up a custom cut JM pickguard from Warmoth if you asked him nicely ... no?  :dontknow: