
Firebirds: Some Questions


Hero Member
1. Why can the raised center laminate only be had with an all mahogany body?! The center lam is the second coolest part of a Firebird, and being limited to one kind of wood kinda sucks.

2. Coolest part of the firebird: Headstock. W's is ginormous and not at all like the real deal. Is this a gibson licensing issue?
3. Why do most users have reversed headstocks that are abominations when the regular (tuners on the left) looks so great?
4. How can anyone actually play a Firebird? Despite their obvious coolness, they are quite possible the most awkward, uncomfortable guitars available. That said, I still want one.  :laughing7:
5. Who put the bomp In the bomp bah bomp bah bomp?

6. Who put the ram In the rama lama ding dong?

7. Who put the bop In the bop shoo bop shoo bop?

8. Who put the dip In the dip da dip da dip?

Who was that man?
Jonesey said:
4. How can anyone actually play a Firebird? Despite their obvious coolness, they are quite possible the most awkward, uncomfortable guitars available. That said, I still want one.  :laughing7:

Maybe this makes me a total freak, but I find them incredibly comfortable to play. If I'd quit throwing my money at W, maybe I'd actually own one...

That being said, I was checking out a Firebird last month and had a flashback to the first time I got behind the wheel of a 60's Cadillac and looked down the hood: "Oh wow, the knobs are all the way down there".
I find Firebirds really comfortable to play, once you've got them balanced. That's their main problem. On the Firebirds I've had I've had to move both strap buttons to the back of the guitar, one right on the neck joint and one on the upper... arm.. rest... bit. Whatever that's called. It ends up looking damn silly but it's the only way to get the buggers to balance right, even then they still dive a bit. I noticed Warmoth started making chambered Firebird bodies - seems like the worst idea in the world to me, that's just going to make it even more impossible to get sitting comfortably.

Anyhoo, only thing I can comment on really  is the headstock - from what I can tell the Warmoth headstock is actually very close tot he modern headstocks Gibson and Epiphone are using on Firebirds. Again, why they deemed it necessary to enlarge the headstock of an already atrociously balanced guitar, I have no idea. But Warmoth's does look like it matches the newer style, anyway. There's been much talk (read: complaining) about this within the (albeit very small) Gibson Firebird enthusiast circles, that both the Gibson headstock has increased a little and the Epiphone headstock has increased a lot both in outline and thickness.

Plus there probably is the issue of licensing.
im not an enthusiast, but the older petite ones look really cool ,and the big ones just make the whole guitar ugly. perhaps it would do okay with a reverse tele or even a warhead.
Awesome thread.
As The Artist Formerly Known as Firebird Floyd (TAFKAFF) lol, any discussion of Firebirds really gets me going.
Personally, I find the balance issue is negligable, so long as my strap is seated right. Comfort-wise, Firebirds are a dream.
Finally, the large headstock may not work for some people, but I love it. Be bold, I say.
I prefer the non-reverse style, as opposed to the reverse style that everyone thinks of, it just looks better, like Warren Haynes' firebirds
Tempest said:
I prefer the non-reverse style, as opposed to the reverse style that everyone thinks of, it just looks better, like Warren Haynes' firebirds
someone else gets what I'm on about!
I tried playing a Firebird once and I just couldn't pull it off. Actually, anything that's not a strat doesn't feel right to me. Funny thing is, though, that I think the Firebird is the coolest-looking guitar ever produced.........like an SR-71 with strings. And it's even cooler seeing somebody who can really make one wail. I love watching Johnny Winter play his.
SR-71. man, you got the firebird pegged! hit the nail on the head my friend.
Jonesey said:
4. How can anyone actually play a Firebird? Despite their obvious coolness, they are quite possible the most awkward, uncomfortable guitars available. That said, I still want one.  :laughing7:
I owned a Gibson Firebird for about 8 years and that was easily my most playable guitar....but the standing position left it prone to banging the headstock against anything......it jutted out a fair way and as you walked with the guitar on you, you'd easily bash the headstock against a door frame or knock something next to you. I was told they do get a lot of broken headstocks that way. When I sat down with it, it was very comfy......

Soundwise the Firebird blasted away with the neck thru design really ringing out the notes.

Because of that I realise Warmoth or anyone else won't make a Firebird like that (neck thru)... aSo, unless I can find a GOOD Gibson Firebird V (white please!) AND have the money for it, well, I won't be getting another. The one I had, was sold to meet a tax debt - and yes, it hurt. :sad:
It's not quite the same, but ESP make a Firebird copy you might want to check out. The control layout is a little different, it's 25.5" scale and obviously the look is altered, but even the cheapest LTD version is neck-through and the LTD Deluxe and the ESP Standard versions do come in white (a rarity for ESP, but one I certianly won't complain about - they make far too many black guitars as it is). It's slightly better balanced as well due to a smaller headstock and thinner neck.
Oh yes! Those are so cool. There's...ahem...another company out there that makes non-reverse Firebird bodies. Keep it under your hat.  :laughing7:
*bump* once again, mebe someone from W can answer? Why ONLY MAHOGANY with the raised center lam? Can't I at least get some swamp ash or alder or something?!
I can understand maybe that they don't want to mess with figured laminate on the raised center, but it baffles me why they don't at least have some other staple wood options like alder or poplar or basswood or ash or b.korina.  :dontknow:
There's been some lam tops with raised centers in the Showcase before, and it only adds to the frustration for me.  To see something you want, and see that they have done it, but won't let you order it.  They have their reasons, and they're usually good ones.  Luckily, I change my mind often and they have enough other stuff to keep me gassing in the mean time.
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
There's been some lam tops with raised centers in the Showcase before, and it only adds to the frustration for me. 

Mine was a special order, but it was a copy of one in the showcase. 
This just has a different pickup config than the showcase model. 
It is however a mahogany body...

Oh yea, the neck does really stick out there, but sitting down, it is very comfortable playing for me.

