Finishing Flow Chart

The flow chart is fine.

My recommendation to anyone that wants to start finishing his or her own guitars is to get “Guitar Finishing Step-By-Step” from Stewart Macdonald.  I also think the “Spray Finishing Basics” video is a valuable source for information since it covers spraying with conventional equipment and the use of Aerosol Cans to get a finish. And lastly the “How to Sunburst” video is good if you want to shoot a burst.  Check the Stew-Mac web sight for these items.  

If you go through all the material above many of the terms and process’ that are thrown out on the DIY Finishing threads will make a lot more sense.
The guy who wrote that flow chart is Michael Dresdner, and his book "The Wood Finishing Book" is, like, biblical. Along with Dan Erlewine's "Guitar Player Repair Guide", there's not much more you need. I just saw on Dresdner's site that he has a new improved book for $20, and his old one is only $10!

(Erlewine is associated with Stew-Mac and does their videos, for some strange reason Dresdner lives in Puyallup...  :eek: :eek: :eek: he worked for Taylor and others, and consults with a lot of guitar companies.)