
Finally pulled the trigger...


Junior Member
hope this works...and gets here soon. 


ordered w/ ss6105 frets, graphtec nut




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Xplorervoodoo said:
Nice one!  What are you putting it on?

Well, I don't have the body yet--it is being finished by some guy isomewhere in Texas, but it is a solid full-Purpleheart strat body, w/ clear nitro finish.  You might have guessed that I prefer guitars a bit heavy, because this thing will probably finish around 11 lbs  :headbang1:.

For electronics, I got the guts of an Eric Johnson signature strat from a guy on craigslist, which I put into a black pearl pickguard  :guitaristgif:.
dm251z said:
Xplorervoodoo said:
Nice one!  What are you putting it on?

Well, I don't have the body yet--it is being finished by some guy isomewhere in Texas, but it is a solid full-Purpleheart strat body, w/ clear nitro finish.  You might have guessed that I prefer guitars a bit heavy, because this thing will probably finish around 11 lbs  :headbang1:.

For electronics, I got the guts of an Eric Johnson signature strat from a guy on craigslist, which I put into a black pearl pickguard  :guitaristgif:.

Man, I wanna see that!  I like 'em heavy too, so I hear ya ;)  Post some pics when you get 'er all done, eh?
That is one sweet looking neck there buddy. I also wanted to say that given my express disdain for signature model guitars, I have to give kudos here for ripping one apart to get the part you want for your very own "signature" model.  Hell yeah!
Well, the purpleheart body just arrived...I can't believe it.  I have never seen purpleheart wood before.  It has a kind of pearly sheen that changes color/hues at different angles, and a figure/flaming kind of grain.  I couldn't really capture it in pictures, but tried. 

I just got quantum view notification from W on the neck, should be here next week.


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more pics...for those more experienced...will a wilkinson trem fit in that route? thanks!!!


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i just ordered a purple heart neck. i hope it looks half as good as that.

where did you get the body? the wood is awesome.

the routing looks incomplete.
the p/u routes dont connect for the wireing. it has holes between the routes but thats not so intuitive, the pick guard wouldn't come off.

before taking a router to it consider useing that to your advantage, make a control plate to cover the cavity only, all frankenstrat style.
leave that beautiful wood exposed.  i think a polished brass plate is the wat to go, gold and brass hardware would be perfect for that body.
Hard to tell, but from my semi-calibrated eyeball it looks like the tremolo route is for a vintage 6 hole/American std. 2 point bridge and the Wilkinson won't fit without additional routing.... Check templates on this page:


While it's POSSIBLE to install a pickguard without cutting the routes between the three PU cavities, it would be a monumental pain in the pass and you might not have PU lead wires long enough to do so. If you're installing a pickguard and don't have gear to route it with you could always use a chisel and carefully chisel out a couple of shallow V shaped "trenches" just deep enough to accomodate the wiring.

jackthehack said:
While it's POSSIBLE to install a pickguard without cutting the routes between the three PU cavities

The holes are there, the same way as top routed bodies... but in deed, if you will put a pickguard, will be easier with the traditional route...

And the wilkinson bridge won't enter in that hole... Everything is joinning ok? later see how would stay the strings in the neck: like, if the big E and the small E will have the same distance from the edge of the neck...

BTW, nice body! I have a Flamed Purpleheart lumber here, to do a neck someday, when I find the cable of my camera I take a picture of it...
Thanks, guys.  I have a router, and will route between the pickups so pickguard will install/remove normally.  I don't know why he drilled holes like that (without doing rear-route) but no big deal for me, I was planning on full pickguard anyway.  The thought crossed my mind about doing some sort of partial pickguard, but too much hassle to switch out electronics in case I want to.

With regards to the bridge route...I was worried about that. 

Jack, do you know if those templates (http://www.warmoth.com/guitar/options/options_guitar_bridge_routing.cfm) are drawn to scale?  Could I use them to make an actual router template?  I'm not afraid of routing, if I have an accurate template. 

The body was purchased from a guy on ebay called ghostzapp.  I don't have his actual contact info, but I'll post if he gives it to me. 
Not sure if those are to scale; the PDF diagram, MIGHT be:


I'd call Warmoth and check; StewMac and some other sites have templates for sale; beware of some diagrams that may have come with/for some Chinese unlicensed Wilkinson knockoffs, as I know for a fact that in some instances the spacing between the stud holes is not right
the web diagram and the pdf diagram were drawn to the same scale, though their magnifications were different (if that makes sense :icon_scratch:).  I made a new PDF based on the drawing that should be scaled correctly (attached).  I'll email it to W and see what they say.  If any of you happen to have a wilk-routed body around to compare w/ I'd appreciate it...it should print at the correct scale.  Hopefully I'll have verification before I start routing.

ADDED: Dan over at Warmoth printed out the one that I made, and said it lines up well with theirs, so should be good to go.  I'll attach the neck first to make sure that I get the distance right and the strings aligned.

