
Fernando makes my dream come true.

Awesome Fernando, gorgeous! The ash looks like Zebrawood with the stripes :laughing7:
I have sprayed some wash coats I just have not had time to post pictures yet. I'll get some up later this week but I have to finish rubbing out some other guitars first.
Here is a pic of it with the wash coat on. It does not look much different other than it has less sheen which means the finish soaked in real deep like I wanted it to . The grain filler did a good job so I'll sand it back heavy and probably just shoot a few full wet coats on and then level sand it. After that I can start getting some color on it .
Im having a slight issue with my swamp ash build. I grain-filled it 3 times already, then also went over the tiny grains over the over, yet I still have some grain that will not fill.

What am I doing wrong, or am I being super picky?

Also another thing is that I am applying Tung-oil to it. While its getting nicely darker, it is also getting slighly 'patchy' looking at some spots. Its not a big issue but is this normal? I can post some pics tomorrow but I would rather do it on my thread as I dont want to invade this one.

thanks again,

I do not use Tung-oil so I cannot answer your question regarding that.

Go ahead and post pictures in your thread and see if some of the Tung-oil users can give you some advise.

Maka491 said:
Im having a slight issue with my swamp ash build. I grain-filled it 3 times already, then also went over the tiny grains over the over, yet I still have some grain that will not fill.

What am I doing wrong, or am I being super picky?

The coarsest grain filler is still pretty fine stuff. It's not like wood putty; it may take several passes to get things filled. Ash can have some fairly open grain, so I wouldn't be surprised to hear it took a number of passes to level it out. I have a Mahogany body here that I think I went 4 coats on to get it right, and that's a finer grain than Ash.
Cagey, I think you are onto something here with consistency of the grain filler. I think the mistake I made was to also lighten the filler with a bit of thinner.

Anyway, I have posted photos on my thread on the build as I dont want to invade this one any more. :) If you have a minute I would greatly appreciate you have a look there.

Thanks again
Here are a couple of pictures after two full wet coats and a level sand.  You can see in the first picture that it is pretty close to level on the back but the he belly cut needs a little more finish and one more level sand . The second picture shows clearly the dimples that are not level in the belly cut. I'll shoot two more coats and I should be able to get it totally level and ready for the yellow color coat.

Thank you Tonar. I have the exact same dimples as well. But as I have already started oiling, I will have to now rely on tru-oil to fill the remaining gaps. Dont get me wrong its not bad at all, but now I know a lot more for my next build.

Looking forwards to seeing how this one comes out.

thanks again!
It took an additional three coats of finish to get it totally level. I shot one and after I sanded it still had some dimples, so I sanded it back real aggressively to the point of going to wood in some spots. I shot two more coats and level sanded it until it was dead flat and ready for the beautiful yellow that goes on 50's style 2-tone Sunbursts.
Now it is ready for two more coats of clear and a level sanding before it gets the burst colors.




Every time you do one of these, I think to myself at this stage of the proceedings who cool it would be to have a yellow guitar, because you do such an awesome job.  Then you apply the burst and I say to myself, man, who would want a yellow guitar when you can have THIS?

Thanks for sharing your work and knowledge.

That's funny Bagman. I think the same thing when it is all natural, I keep waiting for someone to have a swamp ash done natural.
Throw that guitar on the tanning bed -  it looks jaundiced. A real sleeper I'm sure.