
Fender's NAMM Teles

mayfly said:
Filled with water from the flood:


Isn't floodwater, like... really disgusting?  I bought some gear that had been marked down because it was in a shop that was in the flood, and the item had never touched the water and was fine, but the box it came in smelled faintly like toilet. 
Märkeaux said:
Max said:
I really like where Fender is going lately. They're extending the lines, giving more options, without straying too far.

I have to agree!
and I liked it that they are using some different woods, Bamboo, Empress ( I googled it, it is the same as Paulownia )
what I really like is the old 1880s bridge redwood, and the barn door pine...
I don't, I think it's a pretty inane statement. Fender isn't doing anything different than they've done in the past 60 yrs with the tele.

But  I do like the one made from the old bridge, only for the fact it was made from wood that is a part of history...
DangerousR6 said:
Märkeaux said:
Max said:
I really like where Fender is going lately. They're extending the lines, giving more options, without straying too far.

I have to agree!
and I liked it that they are using some different woods, Bamboo, Empress ( I googled it, it is the same as Paulownia )
what I really like is the old 1880s bridge redwood, and the barn door pine...
I don't, I think it's a pretty inane statement. Fender isn't doing anything different than they've done in the past 60 yrs with the tele.

But  I do like the one made from the old bridge, only for the fact it was made from wood that is a part of history...
It hink we are seeing a new trend coming on, How long could they keep the Road worn or reliced trend up, I mean at first they were relics, then they had to come up with road worn to keep the trend going, this may be the next big thing, using woods that are recovered from old structures.Instead of saying we are getting low on exotic woods we can harvest and keep the price down,we start to recycle the old aged woods we are tearing out to replace structures and make it kewl to make things out of them. After all If we bought an entire bridge of redwood and used 1/4 inch planeinges of that we could control cost a lot better than buying up Enough Zebrawood for the next run of 10000 bodies we make
Just my thoughts on it, could be all wrong with that.
Are these Custom Shop one offs, or is it a line of mass produced stuff for sale everywhere.  If so, I like that they are keeping true to the standard and tweaking a bit.  However, one has to like the stuff to begin with.  If this were anyone else, one might say, "They're not doing anything new, just rehashing the same old stuff."  It's a fine line.
hannaugh said:
mayfly said:
Filled with water from the flood:


Isn't floodwater, like... really disgusting?  I bought some gear that had been marked down because it was in a shop that was in the flood, and the item had never touched the water and was fine, but the box it came in smelled faintly like toilet. 

Yep.  I would not be owning that guitar.
It may have come from the flood, but that is such a loose designation.  Could be tap water from the treatment plant that gathered the water during the flood.  There is probably a law somewhere that prohibits potentially disease carrying things from being circulated.  7 step infrared, Brita filtrated floodwater maybe.
mayfly said:
hannaugh said:
mayfly said:
Filled with water from the flood:


Isn't floodwater, like... really disgusting?  I bought some gear that had been marked down because it was in a shop that was in the flood, and the item had never touched the water and was fine, but the box it came in smelled faintly like toilet. 

Yep.  I would not be owning that guitar.

Is this for real? Is there a link to more info on this?
That would be cool, you could put some fishes in there and make it into a "Telequarium"... :guitarplayer2:
mayfly said:
hannaugh said:
mayfly said:
Filled with water from the flood:


Isn't floodwater, like... really disgusting?  I bought some gear that had been marked down because it was in a shop that was in the flood, and the item had never touched the water and was fine, but the box it came in smelled faintly like toilet. 

Yep.  I would not be owning that guitar.

It's like Gregg Ginn's clear perspex guitar without the greatness or integrity.

Greatness and/or integrity are rarely found in large quantities where you have large numbers of MBA's dictating manufacturing decisions.  This is not to say venality rules the day; it suggests, however, that mediocrity is the general tendency, since greatness and integrity are costly.

And mad props for citing to Greg Ginn's axe.
Cletus said:
mayfly said:
hannaugh said:
mayfly said:
Filled with water from the flood:


Isn't floodwater, like... really disgusting?  I bought some gear that had been marked down because it was in a shop that was in the flood, and the item had never touched the water and was fine, but the box it came in smelled faintly like toilet. 

Yep.  I would not be owning that guitar.

It's like Gregg Ginn's clear perspex guitar without the greatness or integrity.

Looks like an old Ampeg acrylic...
They reissued them several years ago, so that's probably one of those. The old ones had very unique field-changeable pickups that you could recognize easily from a distance, where the one in this picture appears to have a standard humbucker in it.
That's the one. Had a buddy back in the '70s who owned one of those things. Sounded terrible. Weighed about 4,310 lbs. Didn't tune well, or stay in tune. Playability was passable at best. Looked really cool, though <grin>
Cagey said:
That's the one. Had a buddy back in the '70s who owned one of those things. Sounded terrible. Weighed about 4,310 lbs. Didn't tune well, or stay in tune. Playability was passable at best. Looked really cool, though <grin>
Now I want one done right. Raw pau ferro neck and pickguard, chambered body, proper tailpiece/bridge, different pickguard....