elfro89 said:
This is the equivalent of having a door to door dildo salesman show your daughter the latest in solo technology. You would probably throw him across your garden. just like they did when they made this guitar :icon_biggrin:
A better analogy would be if Ford Motor Co. came out with a 1908 Model T made out of old, dry-rotted wood with rusty bolts and bald tires on wheels with bent spokes, the whole thing with the paint peeling off it and the seats full of holes, then priced it at $600,000. There might be a few rich guys with more money than brains who'd buy one, but for the most part, they'd be a joke.
Historically interesting, but not quite a Taurus SHO
Of course, that doesn't mean they shouldn't do it. There probably are some rich old guys with more money than brains who'd buy one in a second if they were available. Who put anyone else in charge of what they should want or how they should spend their money?