
Fender smoking crack these days?

What's so unreasonable about a $6000 guitar? Honestly, I wasn't impressed either, until I read the body was 100 year old Pine!

First thing tomorrow morning, I'm going down to the bank to take out $360,000 and get all 60 of 'em. :icon_jokercolor:


I guess they're doing 60 pieces of all the early Tele and Esquire models.
Wow. 100 year old pine. Detroit's probably got several billion board feet of 150 year old pine just on the stretch of Woodward Avenue between Michigan and State Street alone. It's about as rare cockroach crap. You gotta pay people to haul it away. Either that, or you wait until one of the sports teams wins a game so you have a good excuse to set it on fire <grin>
Boy did I get shot down earlier eh ? Didn't mean to offend anyone (shmucks was proabably a bit strong).
If it's really worth $6000 (with a bit of reasonable markup) then I'll change my opinion. But I cannot see anywhere near $6000 woth of product and craftmanship in that guitar. It's not the supply and demand thing I disagree with, it just looks like Fender have created something interesting, possibly a fantastic guitar, but only made a few and severely hiked the price, thus keeping it out of the hands of a regular musician. That said, I suppose it's for the same reason that Warmoth is so appealling  :icon_biggrin:
I happen to agree with you. Fender built a cheap, low-tech guitar out of substandard, poorly designed and deprecated/deteriorated parts and materials that even a North Korean would be ashamed of, then priced it as if it is something special. It's not. It's junk. If somebody gave me one for nothing, I'd put it on eBay quick, before everybody tripped on the fact that the Emperor isn't actually wearing any clothes at all.
I could see $6k for the original, but a copy that will have a haphazard resemblance, no way.  They even say each will be distressed and relic'd differently. Not exact copies of the original like they did with the Frankenstrat.
Panthur said:
Boy did I get shot down earlier eh ? Didn't mean to offend anyone (shmucks was proabably a bit strong).
If it's really worth $6000 (with a bit of reasonable markup) then I'll change my opinion. But I cannot see anywhere near $6000 woth of product and craftmanship in that guitar. It's not the supply and demand thing I disagree with, it just looks like Fender have created something interesting, possibly a fantastic guitar, but only made a few and severely hiked the price, thus keeping it out of the hands of a regular musician. That said, I suppose it's for the same reason that Warmoth is so appealling  :icon_biggrin:

even if its worth $6000 it still looks like shit. This is the equivalent of having a door to door dildo salesman show your daughter the latest in solo technology. You would probably throw him across your garden. just like they did when they made this guitar  :icon_biggrin: (That was one sweet transition...)
elfro89 said:
This is the equivalent of having a door to door dildo salesman show your daughter the latest in solo technology. You would probably throw him across your garden. just like they did when they made this guitar  :icon_biggrin:

A better analogy would be if Ford Motor Co. came out with a 1908 Model T made out of old, dry-rotted wood with rusty bolts and bald tires on wheels with bent spokes, the whole thing with the paint peeling off it and the seats full of holes, then priced it at $600,000. There might be a few rich guys with more money than brains who'd buy one, but for the most part, they'd be a joke.


Historically interesting, but not quite a Taurus SHO

Of course, that doesn't mean they shouldn't do it. There probably are some rich old guys with more money than brains who'd buy one in a second if they were available. Who put anyone else in charge of what they should want or how they should spend their money?
Cagey said:
elfro89 said:
This is the equivalent of having a door to door dildo salesman show your daughter the latest in solo technology. You would probably throw him across your garden. just like they did when they made this guitar  :icon_biggrin:

A better analogy would be if Ford Motor Co. came out with a 1908 Model T made out of old, dry-rotted wood with rusty bolts and bald tires on wheels with bent spokes, the whole thing with the paint peeling off it and the seats full of holes, then priced it at $600,000. There might be a few rich guys with more money than brains who'd buy one, but for the most part, they'd be a joke.


Historically interesting, but not quite a Taurus SHO

Of course, that doesn't mean they shouldn't do it. There probably are some rich old guys with more money than brains who'd buy one in a second if they were available. Who put anyone else in charge of what they should want or how they should spend their money?

Im gonna grow mold in a cup, then sell it on ebay as an experiment. in fact even better, im gonna sell a photo of my taj. That outta fetch a tidy sum  :toothy12:
I'm always torn between looking out between those who are truly in need of being looked out for and the time honored business practice of separating fools from their money as quickly as possible. As long as you can do it ethically and not in predatory fashion... more power to you. So to sum up: Lottery = bad. Selling green magic markers to audiophiles = good.