
Fender smoking crack these days?

Death by Uberschall

Master Member

$6000 gets you this:

I'd rather fall of my bike than been seen playing that contraption.

Yeah - but as far as I'm concerned Fender has been weedrollers since day one anyway.  :icon_jokercolor:
haha yeah i just saw that. musiczoo sent me an email about it... it's ugly as sin, but as much as i dislike it there will be people at TDPRI who are loving that fender released some of these finally.
Pretty silly when you consider a REAL '56 Esquire with matching '56 Champ amp sold recently for $8100:


Last I've seen all original finished units, they've been going $20-30K
i personally think people should stop going back in time with guitars, i dont beleive buying some relic'd peice of ass is worth £6000, there is nothing on that guitar that could possibly be worth the money, its not practicle!

Old guitars are collectors items and not something i think should ne compared with some of the new modern guitar building ways, it could be my ignorance talking but i can't see how some 50 year old peice of ass could possibly be better then a brand new custom shop from warmoth.
I'm sure it will look lovely mounted in a display case in some corporate lawyers home office.

You know, normally I'd rail on Fender (or other co.'s) for this BS too, but the
fact of the matter is that there are enough idiots out there who buy this
crap for Fender to justify such a retarded move.

So, instead of blaming Fender, I blame the idiots... and there's plenty of 'em.
taez555 said:
I'm sure it will look lovely mounted in a display case in some corporate lawyers home office.

No it won't. It'll still look like ass in the display case.  :laughing7:

Stupid Fender.

Superlizard said:
You know, normally I'd rail on Fender (or other co.'s) for this BS too, but the
fact of the matter is that there are enough idiots out there who buy this
crap for Fender to justify such a retarded move.

Agreed, if it didn't sell they wouldn't do it. It's irresponsible of Fender to prey on these shmucks, which does reflect the ideals of a money grabbing corporation and not those of a musician. Therefore, I condemn both parties. Shame on them both.
Panthur said:
Agreed, if it didn't sell they wouldn't do it. It's irresponsible of Fender to prey on these shmucks, which does reflect the ideals of a money grabbing corporation and not those of a musician. Therefore, I condemn both parties. Shame on them both.
It's irresponsible of them to provide a product that people are willing to buy?  They're not deceiving anyone, they're not defrauding anyone, they're not stealing anything... how is it irresponsible?  What are they gonna do?  "We know you guys said you wanted this, and we know it'd sell, and you'd be happier for having bought it... but we think you're idiots, so we're not going to make it."

You may think it's dumb, not worth your money, and looks horrible, but who are you to decide for other people what they should like?
a big +1 to NQbass7. i don't get all the hate for this thing. it's something people have wanted for a while, and fender delivers. from the custom shop no less. people build replicas all the time with our own warmoth's parts, why hate on this replica? people love reissues, and some are amazing guitars. some people are acting like fender got together and decided to piece together the ugliest parts they could find... this is a model with a good amount of history behind it and one that a lot of people should appreciate if they have a modern telecaster, i don't understand all the hate. yeah, it's $6000. no, they're not making YOU buy it.
I like it. I may build one eventually. That is all, since I left my $6000 bill at a friend's house.
I'm actually not opposed to it, I dig it's simplicity and think it actually looks kinda cool.  Just... $6000 for something I could build and relic myself for under $1000....  The guitar is not meant for serious musicians, it's meant for collectors who want to show it off.    That's what gets me about these guitars be it from Fender or Gibson.    They're not meant to be played, unless maybe it's for a one time video shoot or something.  It's a shame.
I always wanted a snakehead!!
I won't pay that kind of money for it though... there is a great W Snakehead built in the Galleries somewhere...
Like I've mentioned in another thread, I'm all for the free market system.

However, for example, I could attempt to sell a packet of Heinz ketchup (that you get at a fast food place) for $100.00 on FleaBay...

...but that doesn't necessarily mean that's a smokin' deal, either.

...and prolly most people watching my auction would think I'm an idiot for doing so as well.  :laughing11:

And certainly I have every right to charge $100.00 for a stupid packet of ketchup... I mean, hey - I wanna make $$$ here.

Such is the market.  But really the crux here is what's reasonable and unreasonable, not whether they're allowed to charge that amount.
If it wasn't for greed, genocide, rape & murder we'd all still just be monkeys living in caves. Celebrate Human Nature!  :icon_thumright:

Monkeys actually do plenty of all those things Stub! But they are smart enough not to pay 6 grand for a guitar with one pickup and no truss rod. Fender does a lot of good things, who really cares if they make a few toys just for the rich on the side.
If that guitar is based on an original prototype then fine, the prototype has a place in history. But to replicate that and ask $6K for it, well, that is probably running the replica market angle too hard.... I mean the thing has old corroded flat headed screws hanging off a poxy control plate.....we ALL know it ain't THE prototype, so why make it out to be one? :sad1:  :tard:

I agree with SL, there will some folks stupid enough to want one.