what intrigues me is that the guy on the bandsaw appears to be freehanding bodies and headstocks. I didn't see so much as a template and he just goes whip bam boom - guitar body.
Of course not. Acetone, cigarettes, uranium, mercury, beef, etc. were all quite benign back in those days. We used to play with all those things in science class, and I'm still standing. Nowadays, you can't even ride a bike without a helmet and knee pads. lest you get killed deader'n shit <grin>
yeah but he is even thinning the headstocks down, to do that all day and not scrap a good number of them takes tallent, and he doesnt use a push stick, fingers milimeters from the blade! that takes serious balls! i had a run in with a saw like that cutting aluminum i wound up cutting my finger nail in half and chipping the bone, i think i got blood in my buddies new car. it was my picking hand so it wasnt too bad but it could have been pretty bad.
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