
Favorite Finishes?


ok, this isnt a real guitar, but it looks cool!
Wrangler said:
PRS's Grey Black with a natural binding is just stunning IMO.


So, something like this then?  :icon_biggrin:

Orpheo said:

Nevermind, I change my opinion from "Braveheart" to this.
Chris...... you can shove it, as well as Orpheo............. :icon_tongue:      :binkybaby:

jimh said:

that's not fair man,  thats just showing off........ :sad:

:hello2: :occasion14: :headbang:
It was just an excuse for him to post ALLLLLLLLLLLLL of his Les Pauls again.... :doh:
This was always one of my fav's. BIG Gold meatl flake, Charvel was the first one I ever saw with this finish..I also like my Stone Dinky and the open grained ash Dinky...


That guitar is made to quickly swap out pickups from the rear of the body - - see a picture of another one like it above. The back of the guitar has cut outs that let you take the pick-ups out through the back. Not sure how they connect to the wiring, but I'm sure Orpheo will clear that up.
GoDrex said:
That guitar is made to quickly swap out pickups from the rear of the body - - see a picture of another one like it above. The back of the guitar has cut outs that let you take the pick-ups out through the back. Not sure how they connect to the wiring, but I'm sure Orpheo will clear that up.

ok, i saw that picture with the covers on the back.

there was a feature is (bass player i think) a few years ago where they routed a jazz bass so that the pickups would slide in from the side.
they were testing out like 30 different pickups that were on the market.

i dont think that would work all that well for long term usage.
line6man said:
GoDrex said:
That guitar is made to quickly swap out pickups from the rear of the body - - see a picture of another one like it above. The back of the guitar has cut outs that let you take the pick-ups out through the back. Not sure how they connect to the wiring, but I'm sure Orpheo will clear that up.

ok, i saw that picture with the covers on the back.

there was a feature is (bass player i think) a few years ago where they routed a jazz bass so that the pickups would slide in from the side.
they were testing out like 30 different pickups that were on the market.

i dont think that would work all that well for long term usage.

here is was:
I mainly love plain wood tops with natural finishes.. Willy's Swamp ash strat is defenitely one of my favorites!
Also like the tobacco burst on my VIP a lot!

I don't usually get as excited over flame/quilted maple tops as most people do.. but there are some exceptions..
like this "ebony stain" that Fender did on some of their Heartfields:


oh, and when I first saw my birdseye maple strat with trans brown finish in the showcase, I was completely in love!


GoDrex said:
That guitar is made to quickly swap out pickups from the rear of the body - - see a picture of another one like it above. The back of the guitar has cut outs that let you take the pick-ups out through the back. Not sure how they connect to the wiring, but I'm sure Orpheo will clear that up.

the pickups are seated in a big, big, wooden block (mahogany), and they go in the guitar by the back. they fit very snugg in the guitar. the current of the pickups run through quick connectors. I can switch pickups within a minute. when I have the humbuckers in the guitar, it looks just like a normal custom, but with p90's or minihumbuckers, you see that strip of mahogany. thats a small price I've got to pay for having the real p90 tone or the real minihumbucker tone. I can even have real strat-pickups or a slanted telecaster pickup in the guitar, if I wanted to. (or filtertrons, or whatever kind of pickup).

what you see on the back is not a cover. its just the back of the block of wood. And yes, these are dealer-guitars. not for selling to the public (but my dealer sold them anyway :D big friends with Gibson. next year, he''s gonna have a special series: 5 year anniversary of Max Guitarstore, 50 year anniversary of the les paul standard flametop burst. 5 guitars, each in a series of 25 pieces each. maybe even, he'll use one of my own warmoths as a base for a special series, the 'customer custom-series').
